Recent content by HonestAbe1809

  1. English Canada/French Carolina: A Timeline

    I voted yes. Independence as a Dominion is different from becoming a fully independent republic.
  2. Triple Calamity: What if the Three Most Important Men in the Executive Branch Died in One Night?

    I don’t think there’s room on the mountain for a fifth face. They tried on the other side of George but they had to demolish it.
  3. Reconstruction: The Second American Revolution - The Sequel to Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid

    I’m thinking that Lincoln will still get a memorial after his death. Presiding over the Civil War and starting Reconstruction would surely be enough to be worthy of being memorialized. Just without the martyrdom that came with his assassination. Hopefully the US will develop proper presidential...
  4. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    On a similar note, has the Confederate capital remained in Charlotte? Because I think that having Long start his administration with a triumphant “Return to Richmond” would be a nice image to close out the Confederate Warlord Period.
  5. The Nucliad - A 1983 Nuclear Apocalypse timeline

    I’m definitely looking forward to reading more about these various factions. Especially the various military remnants. And I see that the Church Universal and Triumphant is a lot less successful without quasi-demonic/eldritch forces at their beck and call. Why would anyone call a statelet...
  6. The Nucliad - A 1983 Nuclear Apocalypse timeline

    What is the largest surviving community in the former western United States?
  7. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Could it be that the reason why American soft imperialism in Central America ended in ‘69 because someone successfully revived the idea of a unified Central America? A unified Central America would be an amusing contrast to the somewhat Balkanized Canada.
  8. King Americana: If the USA Had a King

    It would be interesting if the republicans were to go west and found their own nation. Imagine the challenges if, for instance, Texas were to get Northern abolitionist republicans along with Southern slave-owning republicans. Or if the Republic of California were to survive long enough to...
  9. America Without a Bay: A Divided Country

    That’s perfectly understandable. Real life stuff always takes precedence. Though there are times when my short memory comes as a blessing. After a while I forget that I was waiting for something and the belated update comes as a pleasant surprise. “Oh! I forgot that I was watching that...
  10. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    I’m also interested in seeing how the states in Central America are picking up the pieces. Like the evident Banana Republic in Guatemala.
  11. Nobunaga’s Ambition Realized: Dawn of a New Rising Sun

    Could it be possible for Savlvationists to make the Journey to Japan’s future colonies in North America? They could be TTL Japan's version of the Mormons. Except with them fleeing to the East to escape persecution instead of journeying west.
  12. Some Markers for Others to Follow: A TLIAW

    What I’m getting is that the United States went from having two parties to six? Albeit three major parties and three parties that have next to zero chance of electing a President on their own but have a presence in Congress?
  13. Nobunaga’s Ambition Realized: Dawn of a New Rising Sun

    Speaking of New Netherland, I hope the Dutch build up defences in New Amsterdam so the English can’t take it by simply sailing ships into harbour and saying “gimme” in a threatening tone of voice.
  14. Samsara: An Antiquity Greco-Buddhist Timeline

    Now I’m imagining a version of the Arthurian mythos where enemies of Arthur discover that his “blushing bride” isn’t as helpless as she acts.
  15. No Heavens Too Exalted

    I don’t know what Toledo was expecting when he he created that absolutely unacceptable treaty. “Sure, we want peace! The price for that peace? A third of your country.” The sheer hubris.