Recent content by matlef

  1. No Nazism and no WWII in Europe - What does the Pacific War looks like?

    Exactly, and groups like the AVG could possibly still exist in some form. Or just additional military advisors and equipment. If sanctions against Japan do start, i imagine it would be after the Western Allies feel that their Asian possesions are secure from retaliation by Japan.
  2. No Nazism and no WWII in Europe - What does the Pacific War looks like?

    While a direct conflict is possible eventually, could it not simply go the way of the SCW?Foreign volunteers and "volunteers" assisting the KMT together with material aid?
  3. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    Take care of yourself and focus on recovering. Don't worry about writing.
  4. No Nazism and no WWII in Europe - What does the Pacific War looks like?

    Personally i am more interested in how they would be able to do that. The specific circumstances that made it possible in otl doesn't exist as far as i can see. Of course, if there is a forever war in China, the possibility of Japan discovering and being able to exploit the oil fields in...
  5. No Nazism and no WWII in Europe - What does the Pacific War looks like?

    How does the US cut off the oil supply to Japan? Without the British and Dutch being dependent on them due to the war in Europe, they would still be open to trading with Japan. Now, that would require Japan to be able to pay for the goods they need. But it offers the far less drastic option of...
  6. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    That was what i was wondering about. If Germany doesn't build battleships (or well, a fleet which have other obvious uses than raiding british shipping), but instead builds carriers, cruisers and submarines. Then would Britain not respond to a pretty obvious naval build up aimed at them? If so...
  7. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    When does the conversions happen? How long do they take? Edit: And what ships are converted? How fast would they be? Something like the Robert Ley at 15.5 knots would be incredibly slow. And a large ship to convert.
  8. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    Does the KM still build the Scharnhorst class? If not, do they still attempt op Weserübung without them? Edit: Ok, so according to the OP it's just that Germany builds carriers instead of the Bismarcks. How does the RN building programs change in response? Or their plans as they now have to...
  9. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    They're hunting the Maus.
  10. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    As pjmidd noted they could use the exceptions in the blockade. Although just by their proximity they would have the ability to influence Swedish policy towards a more pro allied line. Offering military aid to help build up the Swedish military to resist German pressure. Or troops in the case...
  11. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    @Ramp-Rat Given the logistical issues and the terrain in Norway. I imagine a campaign there will involve a lot of coastal raiding and littoral warfare. Just as long as Germany doesn't decide to try to invade Sweden, which might pull allied troops into the fighting. Imagining trying to supply...
  12. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    I believe it was transported by rail to Oxelösund and from there shipped to Germany during the winter months. But holding Narvik does allow the Allies to deny Swedish iron ore to Germany. They could just outbid Germany, if they can provide the resources which Sweden needs (i believe coal and...
  13. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    I don't think the Turks would be all that interested in such a scheme. Especially with the Allies making it clear such an act would be frowned upon. Don't know if it would be against the Convention however.
  14. Alternate warships of nations

    Why would they change the KGV design for that? And they would not use the old 15"/42 for anything beyond an alt-Vanguard. For the following ships you would see modern 15" guns as was planned for the KGV class, and then in triple turrets. (If it's such an urgent need for more ships they would not...
  15. Alternate warships of nations

    I thought the 15" were supposed to be in triple durrets, not dual ones?