Recent content by pjmidd

  1. Into the Fire - the "Minor" nations of WW2 strike back

    WW2 the key was Baku, OTL even with the fields that were lost, Soviet oil production actually increased. However the Siberian and Central Asian fields are effectively post WW2 so Azerbaijan, mainly near Baku, is what mattered.
  2. Malaya What If

    A Britain that is not as exhausted would have made them pay reparations for occupying parts of Malaya, Burma and Indochina ( Japanese rewarded them by giving them territory ), As it was they got to basically a slap on the hand and said sorry while returning to their previous borders.
  3. No Nazism and no WWII in Europe - What does the Pacific War looks like?

    Also unlike the other islands its close enough to the USSR that land based artillery can cover a landing and you don't need proper ocean transports, river ones will do ( its only 4 miles distant ).
  4. Disaster Averted (Titanic Lives) On Hiatus

    Well the manifesto of August 1914 did promise a united Poland ( ie pre war Russian , Austrian and German parts ) that was self governing. Now what Poles thought that meant is probably different to what the Russians actually meant but a buffer state is very possible ( probably would still be a...
  5. WI: The Maxim Gun was invented later

    The machine gun was not that important, its fast firing artillery that was the killer in WW1 for example. British Infantry firing 20 rounds a minute were just as effective, given how many machine guns the Germans thought they must have. Why you think it would delay the scramble is also very...
  6. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    Its a nothing problem, engines the size a tank would use were routinely converted, normally it was a common core made in at least two of air, land and marine variants anyway, as in the case of the Lion.
  7. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    Plenty of engines had both land and marine versions ( the often mentioned Lion is one ) so its a known problem with known solutions. Indeed as the marine versions tended to be built heavier as weight was not an issue ( so they could run continuously for weeks if needed ), extra weight due to...
  8. Surname of Female Monarch Following Marriage to Equal?

    Not true, they were monarchs of different realms in their own right and consort in the other. Mary's marriage contract was very clear that Philip only got the title of King of England whilst Mary lived and he, technically, was subject to Mary in England. The English nobility was very worried...
  9. Challenge: European queen comes out as a lesbian and marries a woman

    Nope, this is pre 1900 not early 20th Century or later. No monarch is that absolute, they would be declared mad/hysterical and removed at best, burnt at the stake at worst. Being a lesbian as an open secret is possible if a powerbase has been built already, publicly declaring it and marrying a...
  10. Challenge: European queen comes out as a lesbian and marries a woman

    Unless she has mind control powers, she gets carted off to an estate in the country to get over her hysteria and the country is run by a regency. Pre 1900 it just cannot happen.
  11. A Second White Rose - Edmund, Earl of Rutland Survives

    Think you are looking at this a bit modern. In medieval times, infidelity was very much something wives could not do unlike husbands who, especially if the mistress was unmarried and lower rank, could. An envoy seducing the wife of a royal Duke and caught , by medieval standards, in flagrante...
  12. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    Think that's wrong, Python, unless they reused the name, is the modern system. Think it was Conger ( liquid explosive WW2) , Giant Viper ( plastic explosive Cold War) and then Python ( modern day ) in British service.
  13. A Second White Rose - Edmund, Earl of Rutland Survives

    Don't believe there would be any. As far as I understand it was based on Henry "knowing" the sister so only applied directly to him rather than wider to relatives. In other words if two brothers want to marry two sisters ( not unknown in the Medieval ) , they can, even if the marriages due to...
  14. Hitler's Gamble by Brendan Simms

    No need to read more than the sample when its central premise is flawed, it overstates the isolationist strength and minimises the link drawn between Germany and Japan. The US was as I stated all but fighting a war in the Atlantic, it would fighting alongside the British et al in the Pacific. At...
  15. Hitler's Gamble by Brendan Simms

    Book is total bunkum, the US and Germany were already at the stage of an undeclared war in the North Atlantic with US ships escorting convoys nearly to Ireland and attacking U-boats on sight without warning. Neutrality was being stretched to the limit with some war related items being declared...