Recent content by Yelnoc

  1. Champ in the White House - A Sketch

    Here is something else I was wondering. In the OP scenario, ND Governor John Burke becomes president after Champ's death in 1919 and serves out the remaining two years of the new six year term. If Burke also refused to enter WWI, and if he refused to crack down on the socialists like Wilson did...
  2. Champ in the White House - A Sketch

    The anti-British/Canadian aspect is a good point, and further fuel to the idea that he would remain a staunch isolationist in office. I don't think he would be foolish enough to bring the idea of Canadian annexation back up, but I do wonder whether he might create some sort of international...
  3. Champ in the White House - A Sketch

    Speaker of the House Champ Clark (D-MO) entered the 1912 Democratic National Convention as the early frontrunner. He won 440.5 votes on the first ballot to eventual winner Woodrow Wilson's 324 (323.5 scattered). However Wilson, with the support of William Jennings Bryan's progressive faction...
  4. Naming a Saxon Kingdom in Britain

    I which language are we rendering the latter day form of the Kingdom of Saxons? Perhaps in the latin-based languages it becomes something like Saxonia?
  5. WI: No Punic Wars

    The lazy answer is the status quo is maintained until something else happened. With that sort of really broad POD, you can pretty much write whatever scenario you want.
  6. AH World Cup 2013

    How odd, I was thinking about running an AH football competition myself. Here is the spreadsheet Martin23230 developed for the 2012 European Cup. Knock yourself out.
  7. Some Problems in Greek History: Three Lives

    Thanks for uploading this! EDIT: One question, is where are pages 420-1, 426-7?
  8. WI: Russian Fully Deploys Missiles In Cuba In 1962?

    Hahaha Oh my God. You reminded me of my crazy grandfather, who believes he's found the key to the end times through his study of the Books of Daniel and Revelations, which involve a world war three involving Scythians (Russia), Hittites, and some others. Can't remember the details but yeah....
  9. WI: Russian Fully Deploys Missiles In Cuba In 1962?

    You'll have better luck reposting this in After 1900. ;)
  10. World Religion Possible?

    Yeah, when I read that, I was thinking a definition of "religion" might be useful.
  11. AHC/WI: Obama vs Huntsman

    Any gains he makes overall will be counterbalanced by conservatives staying out home. Huntsman definitely will not run up the vote in the south and plains states, but the moderate gains could swing some crucial states. I could see Florida and (maybe) Ohio and/or Virginia going; he needs to win...
  12. What if the Kaiser died of the Spanish Flu in 1918?

    To help figure out the time line, I did a little bit of searching and I don't believe that the Kaiser had Spanish Flu when he was fleeing to the Netherlands in November. Nor do I think he had it in the last days of the war, but let's say conservative and assume he had it until October 31st...
  13. Was the Roman Republic doomed?

    As has been pointed out, what really torpedoed the long-term stability of the empire was Marius' reforms to the army, allowing unlanded men to join the army and effectively making armies loyal only to their generals. Unless you nip this problem in the bud, Rome will always be threatened by civil...
  14. Massalia as Rome

    I don't claim to be a specialist on the Greek colonies, but I do know off the top of my head that Massalia was a Greek colony centered on what is now the city of Marseille but which exercised economic control over much of the hinterland. It was an important member of the pre-Roman expansion...
  15. The Age of the Elephant - A World Without Islam

    Interesting timeline here. A question though; I know wikipedia says otherwise, but unless there has been a revision in the historical interpretation since Stuart Munro-Hay published in 1991, Abreha was not a Viceroy of Aksum, but rather a usurper who overthrew Sumyafa Ashwa, the Ethiopian...