Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes

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And this is the infobox for the Green Party of New England.

President Barnes gets his first term off to a rocky start. His approval ratings sink pretty damn fast, and he's already looking like a lame duck President. Then, 9/11 hits and Barnes immediately declares war on Iraq, despite their lack of involvement. However, instead of this working to the Republicans' advantage, this simply galvanizes the Democrats, and their liberal anti-war base leads them to a stunning midterm win in 2002, where they increase their Senate majority and win back the House. During this time, President Barnes's approval ratings fall to the low 30s, and the Republicans attempt to draft Vice-President McCain to run against Barnes in the primary, but McCain refuses on the basis that doing so would split the party, and he begrudgingly stays on the GOP ticket.

After a tough Democratic primary, Senator David Palmer of Maryland defeats Governor Mike Hodges of Illinois after a large win in the California primary. With this, Palmer has all the momentum he needs to win the nomination, becoming the first black man nominated on a major party ticket. He chooses veteran Senator James Prescott of Oregon as his running mate. While the liberal anti-war crowd gives Palmer strong showings across the country, Barnes is saddled with a poor economy and growing public discontent against the war. On November 2nd, Palmer soundly defeats Barnes, becoming the first African-American President in history. The GOP couldn't even hold onto Vice-President McCain's home state of Arizona, thanks to strong anti-war protests there.


4 years after winning a comfortable victory against overwhelmingly unpopular Harry Barnes, President David Palmer fights for re-election against a failing drug war and unstable relations with foreign countries. No doubt, a nuclear bomb going off in the Mojave Desert just a few years ago, which in turned sparked multiple race riots across the country directed at the Muslim community, was a factor in this. While the source of the bomb was later revealed to just be a test gone wrong, this still raised a lot of questions about the Palmer administration.

All of this gave plenty of momentum to the Republican nominee, Senator John Keeler of Minnesota -- a political moderate, and his running mate, Senator Charles Logan of California -- more conservative, but coming from the electoral vote rich state of California. Unexpectedly, during the final months of the tough re-election campaign, President Palmer dropped out of the race, in what many think had to do with personal problems that involved his brother and Chief of Staff, Wayne, and his connections to Milliken Enterprises. Alan Milliken, CEO of that company, was found dead in his home in the San Fernando Valley. Mr. Milliken was believed, though never proven, to be highly influential in getting multiple U.S. Senators to support the President's health care reform bill, which had been going through negotiations for the past 2 years. As the GOP made gains in Congress during the 2006 midterms, this slowed the bill to a halt.

On Election Day, Senators Keeler and Logan took advantage of the muddled Democratic Party, headed up by Vice-President James Prescott of Oregon and Former Governor Howard Dean of Vermont. The Republican ticket won the election in a close race, capturing several states that hadn't gone Republican in years. This was no doubt due both to Keeler's moderate positions and the dissention within Democratic ranks.

While the map does look very monolithic, Keeler only edged out Prescott in the popular vote by about 4 points. This is no doubt due to small Republican states and bigger Democratic states, much of which contributed to a large looking electoral victory but a close popular vote victory.


By 2012, the nation had gone through 3 Presidents. After President Keeler was incapacitated and later killed from a terrorist attack on Air Force One in early 2010, Vice-President Charles Logan was sworn in as President immediately. However, in September of last year, President Logan was arrested due to complicity in the assassination of former President David Palmer. Logan was tried and remanded to house arrest, while Vice-President Hal Gardner became President. With the Republicans in disarray and the country royally miffed at Logan, and by extension Gardner, the Democrats nominated Senator Wayne Palmer of New York, the younger brother of David Palmer. With these factors working for him, Palmer handily defeated Gardner and Vice-President George Pataki, whom Gardner had nominated and ran with in the hopes of forcing Palmer to spend valuable resources in New York, but as Pataki had not been Governor of New York for almost 6 years, this had nil impact.

As Palmer was relatively unexperienced in foreign affairs, he chose the harsher and more hawkish Senator Noah Daniels of Arizona as his running mate. According to sources, Palmer and Daniels did not hit it off, and Palmer reportedly wanted someone else as running mate, such as Governor Tom Fahey of Colorado, Senator Sam Keaton of Texas, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, or Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, but was convinced by his chief of staff, Tom Lennox, to go with Daniels in order to woo the more conservative voters.


Another 4 years, and even more conundrums. Not 6 months into his Presidency, Wayne Palmer was killed in a terrorist attack in the White House bunker. Initially thought to be a bombing by Hamri Al-Assad, a Lebanese terrorist leader who had renounced his ways and pledged to make peace between the U.S. and the Middle East, it was later confirmed to have been done by Deputy Chief of Staff Reed Pollock and a private defense contractor named Bruce Carson. Both men were tried and sentenced to life in federal prison. Vice-President Noah Daniels was sworn in as President, and immediately took up hawkish defense positions for the Middle East. According to National Security Advisor Karen Hayes and Chief of Staff Tom Lennox, it was reported that Daniels "was very, very close to pushing the button. He was like a Democratic Goldwater."

President Daniels nominated Kansas Senator Kathleen Sebelius to the Vice-Presidency, but the ticket lost in 2016 to the Republican ticket -- Minnesota Senator Allison Taylor and Tennessee Senator Mitchell Hayworth. While Taylor had a moderate-to-liberal voting record despite her being a Republican, and the fact that the GOP was growing increasingly conservative by the day, she took advantage of a muddled primary field of conservative heavyweights, and handily took the nomination. She selected Hayworth, a more conservative Republican, as her running mate to unite the party. Taylor held a modest, but consistent lead over Daniels for the majority of the race, but Daniels really screwed himself by pardoning disgraced former President Charles Logan. This was Daniels' undoing, and next month, he lost to Taylor, even losing Vice-President Sebelius's home state of Kansas, and much of the Great Plains.

Taylor became the first woman elected President, and in the Senate was known for her staunch opposition to both the Counter Terrorist Unit and private military contractors. She is pro-choice, supports gay rights, and is a firm opponent of Wall Street. She often worked across the aisle with Democrats, and is expected to be no different as President.

I've fallen in love with Macross, if only for the fact that the art is realistic enough to be expropriated for different purposes.


For the 3rd straight election, the nation has gone through multiple Presidents. Allison Taylor had gotten strong approval ratings after an attack on the White House by Sangalan nationalists, which resulted in the death of the head of the People's Freedom Army, General Benjamin Juma. The Sangalan War was ended later that morning, and President Taylor looked to future matters. She immediately got to work on drafting a peace treaty with multiple countries, including Russia and the Islamic Republic of Kamistan. However, on September 9th, 2018, the day the treaty was to be signed, multiple crises occured.

IRK President Omar Hassan was killed by terrorists, a nuclear bomb almost took Manhattan off the map, and a number of Russian diplomats were killed, by an ex-CTU agent named Jack Bauer, who is still at large. Taylor covered all of this up, and also implicit were Russian President Yuri Suvarov and former disgraced American President Charles Logan. The rest of the day resulted in numerous murders, with Taylor and Logan working in tandem to cover up the conspiracy. It's reported that Taylor bullied new IRK President Dalia Hassan -- wife of the late Omar Hassan -- into signing the treaty against the threat of bombing runs. Whatever the case was, Taylor had a change of heart, and turned over all evidence of the conspiracy to the Department of Justice. Logan attempted suicide by gunshot wound to the head, but survived. However, he is now in a vegetable state, and has been confined to a mental hospital. Taylor immediately resigned, allowing Vice-President Mitchell Hayworth to step in and assume the Presidency. Taylor herself was tried and remanded to a light sentence in a minimum security prison, while Suvarov was given much harsher sentencing -- he was tried in Russia and now wastes away the rest of his life in a Siberian prison. President Dimitri Petrovic has affirmed that as long as he breathes air, Suvarov will not see the light of day in Russia.

All of this however resulted in widespread riots in North America, the UK, Russia, the Middle East, and Asia. Taylor's approval ratings fell to an unheard of 10%, while President Hayworth's approval numbers sat around 30%. The Democrats regained control of Congress during the 2018 midterms, and on the promise of restoring "law and order", Tom Fahey -- the former two-term Governor of Colorado and 7-term Representative for Colorado's 1st District -- won the Democratic nomination after a tough primary fight. He selected Texas Senator Sam Keaton -- who had previously served as the Mayor of Dallas and in the House -- as his running mate. At the DNC, Fahey promised to repeal the PATRIOT Act and draft a new peace treaty, not stained by blood. He gave an ideal, positive, and optimistic speech that was widely received as one of the greatest convention speeches of all time. However, President Hayworth chose not to run, leaving a wide open and muddled GOP field. With almost every GOP contender unpopular to some degree, the fight went all the way to the convention with no candidiate having near a majority of delegates. Finally, after multiple ballots, Congressman Gary Cox of California was chosen as the nominee as a compromise choice. Congresswoman Heather Molinari -- daughter of former Congresswoman Susan Molinari of New York -- was selected as the Vice-Presidential nominee. This ticket was an attempt to take the electoral rich states of California and New York, which the Republicans had been unable to capture for years.

The general election campaign was a nasty one. Cox accused Fahey of being a radical liberal socialist while Fahey retorted with Cox being a misogynistic troglodyte who was out of touch with the world and who wanted to roll the country back half a century. However, with the GOP facing serious problems thanks to Taylor being involved in a major conspiracy, it was hard for Cox to attack Fahey on much of anything, as he just served to further damage himself. Fahey campaigned on a liberal, yet highly populist message, and the folksy, Western ticket attracted many voters who might've been put off by a Northern Democrat. In addition to this, Fahey was highly popular with progressives, and this allowed him to unite all bases of the party. Realizing they had no chance to win, the GOP turned to a "no blank check" strategy in the final weeks of the campaign in an effort to deny Democrats control of both the executive and legislative branches. However, this strategy failed, and on Election Night, Fahey won the Presidency in a landslide. He won over 65% of the popular vote and over 200,000,000 votes, beating out Cox by over 100,000,000 -- an unprecedented number. Fahey captured many reliably Republican states that hadn't gone Democratic in decades, including Louisiana, Kentucky, Tennesee, Indiana, the Dakotas, Alaska, and Oklahoma. The Democrats won huge majorities in Congress, and both Cox and Molinari weren't even able to hold their home states of California and New York, both of which Fahey won by comfortable margins. Cox lost many traditionally Republican regions, including much of the South and West. With all of this, Cox suffered a worse defeat of any Republican candidate since Barry Goldwater lost in a huge landslide to Lyndon Johnson in 1964.



Bob La Follette, Sr., and Henry A. Wallace very strongly disagree.

Anyway, the Kingdom of Quebec, an American ally/puppet. After World War III and the American intervention in Canada, Quebec became independent. They voted to adopt a constitutional monarchy, so Prince Charles, Duke of Flagstaff, was elected king. Charles was a son of Emperor Philip I and was married to Princess Clementine of France, the daughter of King Louis XIX of France. It's a founding member of the new NATO alliance. It has a presidential system, with the current President being Liberal Yves Bachand and the monarch is Henri II, the grandson of King Charles I.

Vive le Québec libre
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An artists rendering of the now (in)famous Final Showdown between China's Team Voltron and the USA's Power Rangers, with both teams fighing in their respective gestault in the ruins of Mission City:

A third candidate sweeps to vidtory in the 2012 US Presidential Elections:

Miyabi Natsuyaki performing on stage during her sell-out 2012 World Tour. The Japanese pop-star was wuick to edge out Lady gaga as the top-selling musician in the world:

I think this is on the wrong thread. . .


Here's my infobox contrubution to the "American Commonwealth" thread:

I've tried to make this image bigger
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Nice! Are all A roads motorways as they seem to be different categories at the bottom?

(Also I think there's a typo with the last junction - the shield and the text don't match).

Most A roads are motorways, but there are also some B and even C roads that for some stretches have motorway restrictions.

And good catch on that typo. I'll have to change that.
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