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  1. fluttersky

    Map Thread XXI
    Threadmarks: Opening post

    Welcome to the twenty-first map thread! The place for all your mapping needs. Maps with a lot of likes will be threadmarked for ease of access. (Edit: Threshold for getting a threadmark is 30 likes for now; I may increase this at some point if there just end up being too...
  2. fluttersky

    WI: New New Orleans built after 2005

    What if following the damage of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, authorities decided that the location of New Orleans is too prone to flooding and only getting more so, and also it's possible that it would get economically bypassed anyway in the event of the Mississippi going down the Atchafalaya, and...
  3. fluttersky

    AHC: a German nationalist movement that’s inclusive of Jews?

    IOTL, German nationalism came about despite Germans being divided between those of the Catholic and Protestant faiths. What I’m wondering is, could they have included more religious differences, i.e. could Ashkenazi Jews have been seen as another branch of the German people? With the concept of...
  4. fluttersky

    WI: African-American Palawan (Philippines)?

    Palawan is an island group of the Philippines. Its area is 5600 square miles (similar to Connecticut), but IOTL it only had 35,000 people in 1903, and 80,000 in 1939. It continues to be one of the least densely populated islands of the Philippines, despite being pretty resource-rich. My...
  5. fluttersky

    Could Zimbabwe have "pulled a Paraguay" with regards to race?

    So, we know how the Zimbabwean government under Robert Mugabe pushed a lot of land reform in the 1990s and as a result the economy declined. What if Mugabe thinks of a different way to reduce the power of the white landowners? Namely, by legally mandating that anyone who's white or half-white...
  6. fluttersky

    Demographics of a UK which retained Canada, Australia, and NZ

    Let's imagine a world where instead of drifting towards dominion status and then eventual independence, the British colonies which are mostly inhabited by British settlers (i.e. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) are simply incorporated into the UK, as much a part of it as Northern Ireland is...
  7. fluttersky

    WI: Queen Victoria lives 20 years longer

    Imagine Queen Victoria has significantly better luck with her health, and instead of dying in January 1901 at age 81, she dies in January 1921 at age 101. (the same age that OTL's Queen Mother died at). Her reign lasts a total of 83 years. Following her death, she's succeeded by her grandson...
  8. fluttersky

    WI: Belgium occupies Armenia in 1895?

    According to Wikipedia, King Leopold II of Belgium told British Prime Minister Salisbury that he was prepared to send his Congolese Force Publique to "invade and occupy" Armenia, in response to the massacres of Armenians in 1895. Needless to say, that did not end up happening. But what if it...
  9. fluttersky

    WI: the USA takes Cuba in the early 19th century; later, the CSA forms with Cuba as a member?

    Just a scenario that popped into my head. The USA manages to take Cuba from Spain at time point in the first half of the 19th century and admits it to the union as a slave state. Then, tensions over slavery happen similarly to in OTL, and Cuba rebels along with the rest of the southern U.S...
  10. fluttersky

    Could Maczków/Haren (in northwest Germany) have remained under Polish control?

    I just discovered an interesting historical occurrence... between 1945 and 1948, the town of Haren in northwestern Germany, near the border with the Netherlands, was controlled by a Polish unit of the British army and renamed to Maczków. The existing residents were expelled, and a Polish...
  11. fluttersky

    AHC/WI: an independent or autonomous Deaf state?

    Could Deaf people have created their own state at any point? Either a fully independent sovereign state, or an autonomous state of another country. You'd probably need an international Deaf sovereignty movement to spring up, a la Zionism. If so... firstly, where might such a state be located...
  12. fluttersky

    AHC: Kingdom of Sardinia develops French national consciousness and becomes part of France

    Kingdom of Sardinia as in this map, Parts of it did become French in OTL (Savoy and Nice), but others became Italian (Lombardy, Piedmont, island of Sardinia). My question is, with a PoD after the end of the Napoleonic Wars (1815), could the entirety of the Kingdom of Sardinia voluntarily...
  13. fluttersky

    WI: Soviets don't hand over Bornholm to Denmark in 1946?

    The Danish island of Bornholm was controlled by the Soviet Union from 1945 to 1946. What if the Soviets don't hand the island back to Denmark and either: -incorporate it into the USSR as part of the RSFSR -hand it over to Poland -or create a puppet state on Bornholm called the "People's...
  14. fluttersky

    AHC/WI: Russia doesn't sell Alaska to the U.S. in 1867, and instead cedes it to Japan in 1875

    In OTL, Russia and Japan signed the Treaty of Saint Petersburg in 1875. This treaty essentially stated that Japan would cede its half of Sakhalin Island to Russia, and in return Russia would cede the Kuril Islands to Japan. So, in an ATL where Russia didn't get rid of Alaska in 1867, might they...
  15. fluttersky

    Consequences of a decisive Umayyad victory in the Battle of Covadonga?

    So, let's say the Umayyads are victorious in the Battle of Covadonga of 722 AD, and Pelagius's rebellion fails. The Umayyads now have control over all of Iberia. What effects does this have? Is Iberia doomed to being slowly Islamized, or would a future successful Christian rebellion and ultimate...
  16. fluttersky

    Plausibility/consequences of an artificial Taklamakan Sea?

    Note: I wasn't sure if this belonged in Maps and Graphics or Chat (due to a possible current politics aspect). Please move if necessary. So. What if some Chinese government tried to turn the Taklamakan Desert into a manmade sea, by diverting some of the flows of the Yangtze and Yellow River...
  17. fluttersky

    Challenge: Draw a map of Germany from memory.

    So here's a challenge for you all. Draw a map of Germany on paper, completely from memory. I tried drawing a map of Germany from memory this morning. Wasn't particularly happy with it, but here it is. In a spoiler. Don't look in the spoiler if you're planning on making your own map like this...
  18. fluttersky

    AHC: Partition of South Africa

    Just wondering how plausible this is. What if, at some point when the Apartheid government of South Africa is in power, they decide to split the country along ethnic lines? Unlike the OTL Bantustans, these would all be designed to be viable independent countries. Some relevant maps: Map of...
  19. fluttersky

    AHC/WI: Germany, Poland, Japan, Turkey invade the Soviet Union circa 1938

    So, here's a world map in 1936. Now, let's say that Hitler has just pulled off the Anschluss. In OTL, of course, he soon ended up partitioning Poland with the USSR, triggering World War 2. What happens in Hitler picks his enemies a bit differently, and tries to court Japan, Turkey, Poland...
  20. fluttersky

    If element 113 was named Japonium (J) instead of Nihonium (Nh), would Britvic have sued the IUPAC?

    In 2016, the artificial superheavy element 113 was named Nihonium by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry / International Union of Pure and Applied Physics joint committee. One of the names considered for this element was "japonium", but in the end it was decided that "nihonium"...