john wilkes booth

  1. GameBawesome

    What if John Wilkes Booth trips

    In a tavern near Ford's Theatre, Booth was having several drinks, prepping himself up for what he was about to do. He then entered Ford's Theater and maneuvered his way to the Presidental Box. Once inside the hallway, after making his way to Lincoln's box, he pulls out his derringer pistol and...
  2. What if Abraham Lincoln Survived and Escaped?

    Would Have John Booth Wilks failed kills Abraham Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln Escaped? Would Have Andrew Johnson and Woodrow Wilson Never came president after Lincoln Survived and Escaped? Would Have Abraham Lincoln passing bill Civil Rights Act 1866 black people voting after Lincoln Survived...
  3. Civil War's End

    Fort Grant Gathersburg, Maryland Thursday, December 1, 1864 Fort Grant was a new camp built to hold the prisoners taken after the Battle of Washington and subsequent siege. It had been built quickly by people who were not inclined to wish the best for those imprisoned inside it...
  4. WI: Lincoln Lives, Johnson Dies

    What if the fates of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson had been reversed? That is to say, what if Lincoln somehow survived Booth's attempt on his life, while Atzerodt didn't get cold feet and managed to successfully kill Johnson?
  5. WI: The Grants go to Ford's Theatre with Lincoln

    Ulysses S. Grant and his wife Julia were asked to go to a showing of the play Our American Cousin at Ford's Theatre with the Lincolns. They declined. However, John Wilkes Booth thought they would be attending, and planned to stab Grant after he'd shot Lincoln. What if the Grants had decided to...