i want an opnion and critique about my timeline map

here is some lore dump

.Latin America is considered as an extention of the developed world, being heabily influenced by both the US and the Kingdom of Brazil. Mexico is one of the developed nation on Latin America. The 5th economy on the american continent, and a powerful US ally on the Americas.

. The war on drugs in here is much lower than irl, having ended for good around 2015 after a large scale operation lead by US, Brazillian, Colombian, and Mexican efforts.

.the Eurasian Union is basically a reformed version of the URSS, which managed to save itself last minute in 1991, managing to keep a hold of all its other republics, except for Belarus ,Ukraine,georgia and azerbajin

.The british kingdom was reformed after WW2, as a British Imperial Federation which ruled the british empire on this world. It was britain's last attempt to remain as a relevant great power, not wanting to rely completely on either the US or the EU. It currently sits as a major american ally, maintaining its title of "The empire where the sun never sets" for now...

.the Japanese federation is only considered a Great Power due to its strong navy and gigantic economic power, altho currently, their economy is beginning to slow down, which worries the japanese government, which fears they might end up just as a "west-friendly regional power", instead of a Great Power. They have warm relationships with the US nowadays due to the "north chinese threat."they were also allowed to have a military force due to fear of a north japanese invasion

.the falklands islands lore here is that they were taken by Brazil on the 19th century, after the british got humiliated on the South Atlantic War, and then around the 1880s, when Brazil was going under a civil war, Argentina took the opportunity and occupied the land. Brazil just never bothered to take them back.

.thr DPRJ (democratic people's republic of japan) was created by the soviet union after their invasion by both soviet and allied forces by later stages of ww2 the city of sapporo is the only populated city they have since most of towns and small cities are barely populated due to famine and mass migrations and lack infrastructure

.the mongolian-chinese war is the analog for our otl russia-ukraine war since ittl ukraine is a russian economic partner and ally

.in this timeline the united states,mexico, brazil and colombia intervine in the 1947 chinese civil war on the kmt side which helped the nationalist to win the war leaving the chinese communist with the territories you see on the map

.the republic of china became a full democracy by 1993

.the korean war was a full allied victory cue to weak communist chinese forces many korean communist fled to north china among them was kim ill sung who died in a car accident in 1986

.haiti in this universe became the analog of communist cuba remaning as the sole socialist country in the caribbean

.the argentina 1976 dictatorship doesnt happen in this timeline due to argentina being on brazilian sphere of influence

First level subdisivions only - copia - copia - copia.png


  • First level subdisivions only - copia - copia - copia.png
    First level subdisivions only - copia - copia - copia.png
    393 KB · Views: 77
Why has Saudi Arabia has annexed the Zaydi Shia-majority regions in North Yemen?, just why would the Saudis do that?, you can already see the difficulty and secterian hatred among the Sunni Saudis and the Zaydi Shias in OTL Yemen.

Other than that, aesthetically-wise, the map looks cool!, I will check it out on more detail when I have the time, and then ask some more questions.
here is some lore dump

.Latin America is considered as an extention of the developed world, being heabily influenced by both the US and the Kingdom of Brazil. Mexico is one of the developed nation on Latin America. The 5th economy on the american continent, and a powerful US ally on the Americas.

. The war on drugs in here is much lower than irl, having ended for good around 2015 after a large scale operation lead by US, Brazillian, Colombian, and Mexican efforts.

.the Eurasian Union is basically a reformed version of the URSS, which managed to save itself last minute in 1991, managing to keep a hold of all its other republics, except for Belarus ,Ukraine,georgia and azerbajin

.The british kingdom was reformed after WW2, as a British Imperial Federation which ruled the british empire on this world. It was britain's last attempt to remain as a relevant great power, not wanting to rely completely on either the US or the EU. It currently sits as a major american ally, maintaining its title of "The empire where the sun never sets" for now...

.the Japanese federation is only considered a Great Power due to its strong navy and gigantic economic power, altho currently, their economy is beginning to slow down, which worries the japanese government, which fears they might end up just as a "west-friendly regional power", instead of a Great Power. They have warm relationships with the US nowadays due to the "north chinese threat."they were also allowed to have a military force due to fear of a north japanese invasion

.the falklands islands lore here is that they were taken by Brazil on the 19th century, after the british got humiliated on the South Atlantic War, and then around the 1880s, when Brazil was going under a civil war, Argentina took the opportunity and occupied the land. Brazil just never bothered to take them back.

.thr DPRJ (democratic people's republic of japan) was created by the soviet union after their invasion by both soviet and allied forces by later stages of ww2 the city of sapporo is the only populated city they have since most of towns and small cities are barely populated due to famine and mass migrations and lack infrastructure

.the mongolian-chinese war is the analog for our otl russia-ukraine war since ittl ukraine is a russian economic partner and ally

.in this timeline the united states,mexico, brazil and colombia intervine in the 1947 chinese civil war on the kmt side which helped the nationalist to win the war leaving the chinese communist with the territories you see on the map

.the republic of china became a full democracy by 1993

.the korean war was a full allied victory cue to weak communist chinese forces many korean communist fled to north china among them was kim ill sung who died in a car accident in 1986

.haiti in this universe became the analog of communist cuba remaning as the sole socialist country in the caribbean

.the argentina 1976 dictatorship doesnt happen in this timeline due to argentina being on brazilian sphere of influence

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Dont currently have time to read the wrietup but it looks quite cool.

Visually quite nice though I would say the external details could be presented in a nicer style but not necessary.

Definitely on average more large states than IOTL, but I wouldn't say they go so far as being space filling empires. The borders in southern West Africa are a little convergent but IDK when the POD was.

A little bit trope heavy what with American Canada, big Mexico, Imperial Federation, divided China, Russiawank, Gran Colombia, united Scandinavia, independent Dravidian state, etc but that's not inherently bad because just because the borders or even some of the lore follow common AH tropes doesn't mean you can't make an interesting TL with them.

I say that when absorbing countries into their neighbors just be careful that you're doing it for a reason (even if it's just "I think it's cool") rather than "I don't know what to do with this country so I'll give it to a neighbour".

Zapadoslavia and a larger, post-dissolution, federal Russia that includes Central Asia but not Belarus and Ukraine are both things I don't see too often and it looks like you might have something cooked up for that.
Zapadoslavia and a larger, post-dissolution, federal Russia that includes Central Asia but not Belarus and Ukraine are both things I don't see too often and it looks like you might have something cooked up for that.
This reminds me of a scenario someone proposed to some maps I made like two years ago, where the USSR successfully reforms itself as the Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics in the 17 March 1991 referendum, however, Ukraine, and the Caucasian republics still end up leaving the neo-USSR given the economic crisis of the early-mid 1990s, so the territory of the new USSR remains as OTL Russia + Belarus + the Central Asian stans.
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This reminds me of a scenario someone proposed to some maps I made like two years ago, where the USSR successfully reforms itself as the Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics in the 17 March 1991 referendum, however, Ukraine, Belarus, and the Caucasian republics still end up leaving the neo-USSR given the economic crisis of the early-mid 1990s, so the territory of the new USSR remains as OTL Russia + the Central Asian stans.
Interesting. In New Union TLs I tend to see Belarus sticking with the union, often even Ukraine.
Interesting. In New Union TLs I tend to see Belarus sticking with the union, often even Ukraine.
FFS my mistake, even in this scenario, Belarus stayed with the USSR, I just misinterpreted the map because of the Baltics and Ukraine being independent in the map of this thread.