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  1. ATL: Persia Triumphant

    February 2, 1979 - POD Start May - December, 1979 - Increasing violence, as Imperial Guard, Army and SAVAK grow increasingly brutal in suppressing Tudeh and pro-Khomeini dissidents July 12, 1979 - Bomb attack in Tehran narrowly misses killing Shah Reza Pahlavi III; new SAVAK offensive...
  2. WI: Khomeini Is Killed, 1979?

    It is Feb.2, 1979. In Iran, Khomeini is dead. In early December, the Shah's son had returned, rallied the Imperial Guard, deposed his father (sending him to the US for medical treatment), shut down the papers, declared martial law and turned the SAVAK loose with orders to leave no stone...
  3. Tech WI: Stoles-Brandt, Model 1858 In The ACW?

    Question, not related to any AHTL at present: The Stokes-Brandt Trench Mortar of WW1 is a pretty simple piece of equipment: Given a lead-time of 2-3 years to build units and bombs, what effect - if any - would the Stoke-Brandt have on the ACW?
  4. Alternate Beer Hall Putsch, And Beyond

    This is a work in progress that I've been tinkering with on and off for a few years. Comments appreciated..... ********************** ********************** 1923 - Beer Hall Putsch in Munich. Adolf Hitler killed in exchange of gunfire; NSDAP disintegrates as surviving leaders are either...
  5. Iron Eagles

    This is a TL I've been tinkering with for some time, and this is the first time it is being offered up for public viewing. Comments/thoughts are appreciated..... ****************************** IRON EAGLES By Michael A. Cessna Work In Progress (2007-2009) Sometimes, a seemingly minor...