ATL: Persia Triumphant

February 2, 1979 - POD Start

May - December, 1979 - Increasing violence, as Imperial Guard, Army and SAVAK grow increasingly brutal in suppressing Tudeh and pro-Khomeini dissidents

July 12, 1979 - Bomb attack in Tehran narrowly misses killing Shah Reza Pahlavi III; new SAVAK offensive launches the next day

July 15, 1979 - Truck bomb detonates inside US Embassy; main Embassy buildings heavily damaged; 18 dead, 200+ wounded (including 8 and 23 Americans); 7 of the 8 dead Americans are from the CIA station within the Embassy

July 29, 1979 - Confidential memos from Carter White House expressing support and promising aid to new Shah are leaked to the NYT; political firestorm erupts, threatening Carter Presidency; pundits highlight that US support may be withheld from Iran.

August 1, 1979 - Congressional order blocks delivery of several Kidd-class destroyers and 200 F16's to Iran; destroyers are held at Port Hueneme, CA - Iranian Navy crews are left without housing, as USN is officially forced to ask the crews to leave the base; Iranian expats contribute to finding hotel space until Embassy in Washington apprised of situation; Tehran lodges official protest - but does not recall crews.

November 16, 1979 - "The Big Raid": Iranian crews "slip" into Port Hueneme in laundary- and food-service trucks, gain access to destroyers, weigh anchor and clear port before alarm is sounded; squadron charts southerly course, hugging the US coast, remaining inside 3-mile limit; Congress demands the president take action; Carter advises that unless Iranian crews fire on US possessions, he cannot order the USN to do more than 'shadow' fleeing squadron, citing Posse Comitatus Act - advises Congress to contact Coast Guard; states that he "...can't understand how someone can steal something they've already paid for..."

November 18, 1979 - Iranian squadron exits US territorial waters, enters Mexican territorial waters; Mexican Navy destroyers provide "Honor Escort" to Cabo San Lucas; Iranian squadron then turns west, disappears into Pacific.

November 22nd, 1979 - Shah Reza Pahlavi III revokes long-standing prohibition against foreign nationals serving in the Iranian military, announces formation of "Foreign Legion of Persia"; steady trickle of white Rhodesians and South Africans, among many others, begin appearing in Tehran.

December 5, 1979 - RAdm (Lower) James Marchant, USN, former Commander of Port Hueneme Naval Base, forced to resign over his "failure" to prevent "theft" of Iranian destroyers.

December 15, 1979 - Persian destroyer squadron docks at Bandar Abbas, to riotous celebrations; official silence concerning where or how the squadron refuelled during its trek across the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

January 1 - March 5, 1980 - Relative calm settles over Iran; March 2: James Marchant, USN (ret.) surfaces in Tehran, presents himself to the Shah. Marchant granted the rank of Vice Admiral in the "Imperial Persian Navy", appointed to head the newly-formed "Fleet Combat Developments Center" -- effectively becoming operational head of Persian fleet.

March 16, 1980 - Iran very quietly takes delivery of 200 F16 fighters from Taiwan; More publically, Taiwan and Israel purchase Iranian fighters in cash from US; what is not generally known at the time is that the two powers transferred F16s from their own inventory to Iran.

April 1, 1980 - Pro-Iran al-Da‘wa party claims responsibility for assassination of Tariq Aziz, Iraqi deputy PM, in Baghdad, in revenge for the Iraqi execution of some of its members; three days later (Apr.4), further bomb attacks kill marchers in a funeral procession for students killed along with Aziz; Iraq blames Iranian SAVAK - Shah vehemently denies any involvement. 40,000 Iranian-born Shi‘as expelled from Iraq.

April 17, 1980 - Riots erupt in Qom, Esfahan. Official news blackout.

April 18 - June 23 - Riots in Qom and Esfahan brutally suppressed. Although foreign media are severely curtailed in traveling around Iran/Persia, stories posted suggest Iran is coming apart at seams.

June 24, 1980 - Official announcement from Shah's office suggests that all known "leaders of the recent insurrections" have been "dealt with appropriately", encourages all Persians to work together, announces formation of new Constitutional Convention to be seated on October 1, 1980. Most "Persia Watchers" doubt - loudly - that this signals any real return to stability.

September 22, 1980 - Sensing Iranian weakness, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein launches attacks into Iran, making significant initial gains, seizing ports of Khorramshar and Abbadon. Iraqi air raids are haphazard, but written off; Persian defense appears sluggish, although Shah surprises waters by not announcing a draft, but a call for volunteers to the "Greater Glory of Persia"; pundits predict imminent collapse of Tehran regime.

September 25, 1980 - "Operation Cyrus": Persian counterattack shatters invading Iraqi army under murderous artillery and armor attacks, sending survivors fleeing in disarray for Shatt-al-Arab; Persian Navy enters the Shatt, bombards Al Faw Peninsula; ferocious air strikes effectively wipe Iraqi Navy from existance (c.80% losses to total fleet on the first day); Iraqi Air Forces ceases to exist by dawn of the 26th.

September 26, 1980 - OpCyrus continues: Military installations around Basra bombed relentlessly; US DIA/NSA intercepts ID Soviet observers reporting to Moscow by radio that Persian Air Force appears to be using Vietnam-era "Wild Weasel" tactics to suppress air defenses, and that Iraqi crews are very slow to adapt; report is interrupted by gunfire - Persian Foreign Legion Commandos' (mostly former Rhodesian Light Infantry and RhSAS) attack decimates local Iraqi command, kills 14 Soviet advisers, captures 12 more. Soviet advisers are paraded in front of news cameras as evidence of "Godless Soviet interference" in Muslim affairs.

UN Security Council calls for ceasefire are ignored by Persia.

Imperial Guard units "establish security" over all foreign oil facilities in Persia.

September 27, 1980 - Iranians begin to swamp recruiting centers.

September 28-29, 1980 - Massive Israeli air raid on Baghdad nearly kills Saddam Hussein, succeeds in killing Uday Hussein; Syrian Air Force destroyed as Israeli AF strikes across Syrian airspace. Persia claims responsibility for Baghdad raid; Israel claims Syrian provocations as excuse for air battle over Damascus.

September 28, 1980 - Kurdish rebels strike Mosul, covered by Persian airstrikes; Persian forces advance on Basra; LTG Hassan Ali Maimon, Iraqi Army, surrenders city to LTG Mahmoud al-Barzhani, Persian Imperial Guard; Shah announces that "...the fate of the region known as 'southern Iraq' will be decided by its inhabitants...'

September 30, 1980 - Persian troops advance to stop-lines at An-Najaf, dig in. Persian Navy secures last of Iraqi oil platforms in the Gulf, now a truly "Persian Lake" for the first time in several hundred years.

DIA/NSA intercepts confusingly indicate massive shift of veteran Persian units to the front, and green units to the rear.

October 1, 1980 - Shah Reza Pahlavi III announces that all Persian units will maintain their positions, but will only fire if fired upon first. No word from Hussein.

October 2, 1980 - Joint announcement from Tehran and Tokyo reveals an agreement for Honda and Kawasaki to build heavy truck plants in Esfahan.

October 3, 1980 - In joint announcement, Tehran and Taipei mutually recognize each other, then recognize apartheid South Africa.

October 10 - November 4, 1980 - In stunning announcement, US President Jimmy Carter announces that he is withdrawing from the Presidential race, citing disgust with "partisan politics"; Ronald Reagan wins in the largest landslide in US history; control of both House and Senate pass to GOP.

November 10, 1980 - President Carter and President-Elect Reagan meet with Shah Reza Pahlavi III, and announce a new normalization of relations.....
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Impressive timeline. Your new shah is a clever guy.
Two questions though:

You mention South Africa a couple of times, but I'm not entirely clear what kind of role they're playing here.

Why did Jimmy Carter drop out of the race all of a sudden? That really seemed to come out of nowhere.
@couldawouldashoulda: Haven't gotten that far, yet; I have to work on this mostly at work (I'm on a 4/10 shift), and the j.o.b. gets in the way of trying to watch the spaghetti unravel...

@Rediv: Thank you -- actually, my Shah as a very clever adviser that materialized out of thin air :D But seriously, I think that it really would have come down to RPIII making a different choice and channeling his grandfather, to "bring the noise", so to speak.

On SA, the sanctions they were under had not born fruit yet, and they were something of a "restricted powerhouse": powerful army and navy for the region, scads of natural resources, but comparatively little industrialization; they were grasping for any ally who would open up to them, and Iran is comparatively resource-poor, after oil.

On Rhodesia, Ian Smith was still in power, but the writing was on the wall, and as per the OTL, ex-pats are starting to look for other options - here, they simply head to a different place.

On Carter, I've started to change some of my personal opinions about him in recent years: I see him as often being kept largely in the dark on a number of things, until it was far too late for him to do any good...but, unlike LBJ and certain other Presidents, he's not afraid to stick it to people in a creative way once he realizes that he's been duped.

In this environment, he realizes early on that he's in a Catch-22 (the US NEEDS a stable Iran, even one "stabilized" by a boot...but that his own party will scream bloody murder - literally - if he tries to make that happen), and he decides to tell everyone to shove-off...which is a pretty dangerous thing, when the person giving you the heave-ho has his finger on the Ultimate Trigger.

Seeing as Congress wasn't exactly friendly, on par, to the military during most of the 70's, I can completely see the bulk of the military establishment dummying-up when they see what they view as the "good guys" getting shafted, yet again - it happened a lot in those days - hence, arse-loads of people at the lower ends pointedly looking the other way during the "Big Raid", as well as the "sleight of hand" shuffle with the F16's.

As to what comes next? I need to sleep on that one.....