
  1. Spain's revolution succeeds (c18/c19)

    I'm predominantly a c20 historian of labour history, and as a result incidentally of world-systems / imperialism. But Imperialism as a world-system chains back before the 20th century, and Sharpe's Rifles' episode one inspired this thought, as the two brother fight over Spain. Spain did have a...
  2. JewishBolshevik

    What if Spain somehow won the Spanish-American War

    I think this is extremely unlikely. Since Spain has been stagnating in military power and the US has a strong military. But if they did well defensively and beat back the Americans, what would happen next?
  3. kasumigenx

    1521 – A different Magellan Expedition
    Threadmarks: Magellan Lands in the Spice Islands

    On March 21, 1521, Magellan would arrive in the Spice Islands from Guam after a long time trying to find the route to the Spice Islands and he would arrive in Ternate in 1521 and he would be proud that he was able to arrive in the Spice Islands after a long time of sailing and stopovers and they...
  4. GameBawesome

    WI: Philip II of Spain born female

    Philip II was the son of Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain. He was Charles V's only living legitimate son, as his father had only two living legitimate daughters, while his other sons died young (There's also John of Austria, but he was illegitimate). It was under Philip II...
  5. Mozer

    The Aztec Dream

    I just wanna preface this beforehand, this is my first post and I'm no professional. My research and what I say here isn't gonna be perfect, but I would appreciate some criticism on anything that seems implausible or downright wrong. That's all, now history. On August 13th, 1521 the Aztec...
  6. GameBawesome

    No Iberian Union; Effects on Spanish and Portuguese Empires?

    The Iberian Union was a dynastic personal union between Spain and Portugal. It started because King Sebastian I died in a war with Morocco without producing an heir. Then his uncle, Henry, became king but was old and a cardinal, which meant he couldn't get married. So, once he died, this led to...
  7. Bomster

    Realistic PODs for a surviving Al-Andalus

    Al Andalus is one of the most interesting societies in world history. It was an eclectic, diverse society of Muslims, Christians, and Jews living together in relative harmony compared to other regions at the time. It was one of the most advanced societies in Europe for its time, with Cordoba...
  8. Phillip II of Spain’s two sons

    I’m OTL, Phillip II of Spain and his third wife, Elisabeth of Valois had two daughters, Isabel Clara Eugenia and Catalina Micaela, but what if they were both sons (Named Philip and Ferdinand respectively)? I know Don Carlos’s death may be butterflied, but at the same time Philip didn’t exactly...
  9. Spain without the March 11 2004 attack?

    I was only 11, but I still remember a lot from that day. Almost 20 years later, and I think the scar is not properly healed, that we don't know the full truth, and that it surely changed Spain. What do you think would have happened if the attacks don't happen, or, say, happen after the general...
  10. GameBawesome

    WI: The Nasrid Dynasty survived to the present-day?

    The Narsid Dynasty of the Emirate of Granada is probably the most well known for being the last Muslim dynasty on the Iberian Peninsula during the Reconquista. After surviving for centuries, they finally were conquered in 1492 by Castille and Aragon under the Catholic Monarchs, Isabella I and...
  11. kasumigenx

    The line of Don Carlos
    Threadmarks: Birth of Don Carlos

    On 1545, Maria Manuela would give birth to a healthy son baptized as Carlos, but Maria Manuela would die after giving birth due to the complications of the pregnancy and immediately Philip, Prince of Asturias decided to marry Maria of Portugal, the half aunt of Maria Manuela so that Infante...
  12. Smaller Mexico, fragmented New Spain (Gran Colombia but in Mexico) - Better outcome?

    Most Alt-history narratives explore the scenario of Mexico remaining a vast "empire", potentially rivaling the United States in power. This speculation is cool indeed, but here I would like to think about a smaller Mexican State. At the time of its independence, Mexico was indeed enormous, and...
  13. Carlos I de Quito

    Maximilian I Habsburg King of Spain
    Threadmarks: Ideas

    We all know the History of Maximilian I Hasburg, the emperor who was very liberal for conservatives, but very conservative for liberals, an Emperor with a very liberal tendency when specifically his support base was conservative, which is why his end was in the mountains of Querétaro on July 19...
  14. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War
    Threadmarks: Summer 1941: Franco's Blunder

    España No Ha Muerto “We are confronted by the twin dangers of Bolshevism and Masonic-Plutocrat capitalism. The spirit of both is Judaic. But the Spanish people already know how to deal with this menace. We have defeated it once before on the battlefield, and we shall do so again. And this...
  15. WI: Margaret Theresa of Spain marries Charles II of England?

    In OTL, the Spanish Ambassador had proposed a match between the Stuart King, Charles II and Infanta Margaret Theresa (Ironically enough, her grandmother had been suggested as a bride for Charles II's father before Henrietta Maria). King Phillip of Spain rejected the idea, stating he should seek...
  16. WI: Spain the last Catholic state in Europe

    Let's say that France, Austria, Hungary, and Poland all converted to Protestantism while the Ottomans invade and conquer Italy. With most of Europe divided between Protestants and the Ottomans, how does Spain handle this? Would Spain become a hermit empire only interacting with its colonies or...
  17. Effects of a German Venezuela on the Spanish American wars of independence (Specially grand Colombia)

    Hello! I've been reading about the independence of Latin America recently, and something that consistently comes up is the significant role that Venezuela (what later became Venezuela) played in the downfall of Gran Colombia. I'm still trying to understand the specifics of how Venezuela's...
  18. Viability of a Spanish march/province on southern France

    Greetings, albeit being a longtime lurker on this forum, this is my first post. I hope i can stay as a active member for a long time. Anyways, lets say that Castile or Aragon manage to conquer Gascony or Languedoc on the XV or XVI century or inherit them, although probably this requires an...
  19. SunZi

    La Gastonnade — TL of another "Grand Siècle"
    Threadmarks: Chronology

    LA GASTONNADE ___________________________________________ What if Gaston d'Orléans become King of France ? “ Jamais règne ne fut plus doux, plus tranquille, ni plus heureux que l'a été le sien ; et, en vérité, de semblables princes devraient naître un peu plus souvent, ou ne point mourir...
  20. The_Persian_Cat

    Mondragon Corporation in Republican Spain?

    Hello all, So, the Mondragon Corporation is one of the largest business entities in Spain, and is involved in a great many sectors (including banking, consumer industry, heavy industry, retail, and (through Mondragon University) education). It's also a federation of workers' cooperatives, with...