tancredo neves

  1. Taunay

    How would a Tancredo Neves presidency go?

    Firstly, I'm surprised by how I've not yet seen a thread about this WI in this forum, it is definitely one of the most popular alternate histories of Brazil's 21st century. Assuming that Tancredo Neves actually treats his health problems and doesn't die just one day before he assumes office...
  2. Birth and Rise of the New Republic: a Brazilian TL
    Threadmarks: CHAPTER 1, Part 1: Rotten Apple

    So, after some time lurking and posting in chat, I finally decided to post a TL! Wish me luck! ----------------- Chapter 1: Decay and Fall Part 1: Rotten Apple When we think of the 1980s, we think of change and turmoil. Nothing was safe from it. Technology, culture, economics and politics...