America's Funniest President: Mo Udall Presidency & Beyond

National Alliance meanwhile may grow slightly bigger, but boy, they’d likely be on many a shitlist sooner.
Maybe this could lead to a “War on Racism” in the 1990s? Since the 90s IOTL had a lot of far right terrorism, especially now considering the fact that Shirley Chisholm is the VP ITTL.
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1990- The Brass Age of Comics: Marvel Comics After-War
1990- The Brass Age of Comics: Marvel Comics After-War

Prologue: The Eternity War
The changes brought about by society meant that pop culture would reflect in turn. The Udall Administration's reforms and the societal changes following suit would usher in the beginning of the Brass Age of Comics. It was a refined and polished version of what the Bronze Age brought about, but also served as a second Golden Age (with some joking Brass' similar appearance to gold being what inspired the name.) DC Comics have laid the foundation for it and Marvel realized they need to follow suit, especially when Jim Shooter would make his return with Voyager Communications and Paramount Communications having purchased Marvel. The changes of society became more and more prominent, with one example was how Spidey having to work for Aunt May's hospital bills was now outdated as a concept. This pushed to the fact that a reset button would be needed for this.

So they began doing their own version of Crisis of Infinite Earths. Deciding to go out with a bang, they would have Jim Starlin come up with what would be one of his greastest stories yet, Eternity War. It would see the main antagonist being Thanos in trying to court Death by the use of the six Soul Gems, explaining that they were called such because they were the essence of Eternity, the embodiment of the universe, his soul. And he was now after the Eternity Gems as they would be called.

Soul. Mind. Power. Time. Reality. Space.

The Eternity War became one of the biggest events ever as many heroes were tied to try and stop. Moments like Cap's shield being broken and Thanos killing Asgard via Ragnarok were pivotal moments. One major gamechanger was Spider-Man really becoming a champion through becoming Captain Unvierse and fighting Thanos to a stand still while Adam Warlock continued on with his master plan which would see him gain the gauntlet. But with Thanos having damaged the universe, it needed more energy. Spider-Man prepared to offer his life energy as Captain Universe but would be stopped and saved by Adam Warlock, who would go on for a new Big Bang. Interestingly enough, it was also alluded that the multiverse would play a bigger part over time when Adam Warlock says throughout possibility that he would return.

Eternity War laid the foundation for AfterWar, the term used for the new Marvel status quo, which would see everyone starting out once more, with cleaned up stories and some ideas worked from the ground up. This did cause a mild controversy over regarding the status of Captain Mar-Vell since appaently Starlin ended up in conflicts over that and the usage of "Captain Marvel" with fans not wanting his death to be cheapened. A compromise would be confirmed that the story would remain canonical though likely be remastered to fit the times and tweak some details though this would still play an influence on things moving forward.

Regardless, by 1990, most of the first issues of first new line of comics were coming out, setting the path for Marvel AfterWar, with the status on the following:

Spider-Man: One of the biggest focused on, it would focus back on Peter in his teenage years though also a bit more polished there. Emphasis is placed on Peter struggling as a young man of the working class along with going into college after high school. The radiation of the spider-bite would be clarified to be the Vita-Rays used for Captain America. Careful work is done to maintain the youth and prevelance over what Peter successful and navigating through the changes in his life. Some depth was also made clearer from the getgo such as the relationship with his deceased parents and Uncle Ben and Aunt May now looking younger to find it believable on Ben being the older brother of his father. The story contained various coming-of-age elements, including on dealing with growing up and the world.

Fantastic 4: Marvel's premier superhero family, their focus largely remains the same with them exploring the cosmos and resolving problems there though the origins have been modified to fit the new modern times. Susan especially has been changed to better the modern sensasibilities on women. The F4 would also focus on explaining the various secret aspects of the Marvel universe and deal with strange lifeforms. However, the characters remain the same for the most part with Reed the hyperintelligence and caring if a bit aloof and awkward leader, the confident and assertive Susan, thehotheaded and cocky Johnny and the lovable and reliable Ben Grimm. It has also been focusing a bit more on Reed's struggles with his inventions along with some stuff being attributed to him (such as the better space tech).

Ms. Marvel: One of the bigger surprises was on the ascendence of Ms. Marvel in importance. Many believe this was done over to take the place of Mar-Vell regarding being a cosmic protector of Earth. The idea was on making Carol Denvers their version of Wonder Woman though focusing on a cosmic angle rather than a mythological one. The team noted just how much they screwed up with her in the past and they wanted to make it up by giving Carol her fair due and expand on her along with her protecting Earth from the Kree and Skrull, along with ehr relationship with Mar-Vell (which has been recontextualized as her admiring him like an older brother) along with expanding her rogues' gallery and her supporting cast along with a bit of a costuem redesign. But the focus remained the same; Carol wanting to prove all of the people that doubted her wrong along with her getting her powers and becoming a cosmic protector.

The Mighty Thor: Thor would also see a revival as the focus began going over into the various mythological aspects established and trying to bring the grandiose larger than life personality over after some stagnation. Beyond just showing the stories of Asgardian lore, it was also on exploring the growing humanity of these gods. Another new trend that was established was something they took from the page of Wonder Woman, that being trying to adhere a bit closer to the myths. However, the question of whether Loki would be raised as Thor's brother or adhere closer to the myths of Loki being Odin's blood brother have remained unanswered for the time being thoug some speculate they may go toward the new direction as part to further differentiate matters.

The Incredible Hulk: Much like how Ms. Marvel would be handled alot better because of the new times regarding women with the third wave and so on, Incredible Hulk would also be affected regarding how his condition would be handled. Rather than the Fruedian approach, the Jungian approach would be had with the Hulk becoming Bruce's Shadow and so on, with exploring the tough stuff he has to deal. As for him on the run and his journey, a bit harder to say since I could see him being the monster that fights other monsters and so on there. They may bring back the night time elements and so on as well as the Grey Hulk if Stan Lee says enoug, but he's been associated with green for so long, they might stick with what they have. [Joe Fixit would likely be butterflied away.]

X-Men would find itself in a rather odd place. The X-Men wasn't really suitable for allegory anymore, since the various social movements would demand to see more direct representation of their issues such as people of color and SATMIN+ folk. This combined with the more grounded approach in how different people born were these powers would be and the rammifications made it complicated. There was also how... non-integrated the X-Men were compared to the other franchises and the direction of the X-Men. especially with the upcoming departure of Chris Claremont (he would go on to be a founder of Image Comics) remained in doubt, though the characters would still be present.

Others: Many characters would also be planned to be reintroduced over time into this landscape. From Captain America waking up over in after nearly 50 years of being frozen to discovering what this new America looked like to changing Iron Man's backstory and trying to keep him sympathetic and his futurist ideals in a corporate world and dealing with alot of enemies. Antman and Wasp also saw a boost, focusing on the relationship and writing (notably removing the incident of Antman slapping Wasp and thus considered no longer canon). Other discussions including on tackling the issues by street heroes like Heroes for Hire and Daredevil along with outlines for structuring things lik the Avengers and so on.

The Marvel cosmology was also being looked into regarding the Skrulls, Kree and the Shiar along with the others. Plans for characters to be redesign or revamped like Nova or Quasar were being considered to figure out. One upcoming character would be Slapstick, this goofball of a character that was born from the basis of what if a Saturday Morning Cartoon character was a hero, one who didn't fight crime and evil, but played cruel tricks on it instead. On a more serious front, Black Panther were also having some plans for being redesigned and figured out, with one note being Wakanda would be an East African island nation, which some attributed to being inspired by Japan's rise to global prominence and serve as a simple explanation for remaining untouched and out of geopolitical affairs.
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So yeah! What do you ya'll think? @Pyro was a bit of an inspiratio with his Jim Shooter timeline! Also, when did they name the Infinity Stones exactly? Like say they were Soul, Power, Time, etc?
1990- Cultural Overview: Queersploitation Pt. 1
1990- Cultural Overview: Queersploitation Pt. 1

"Queersploitation (n)- a subgenre of exploitation films emerging in the mid 1980s, the films are made often made with SATMIN actors, ostensibly for SATMIN audiences and often relying on the stereotypes associated with American SATMIN culture or are derivations of preexisting works."- Merriam-Webster Dictionary [2000 edition]​

Third-wave feminism and the AIDS epidemic were two of the major factors that kickstarted the rise of SATMIN Civil Rights (or Queer Civil Rights at it was known at the time) movement over in the mid-1980s. Additionally, with the Udall administration working on it and various people in power becomign sympathetic to their plight, especially Vice President at the time Reubin Askew, they would bolster their support among the general public. The Udall administration's positive success on domestic and foreign affairs gave them a large amount of trust in the people regarding what they were doing. Thus when support was granted toward these movements, many people on the fence or not knowing of the matters became much more receptive to their plight and support would grow for it. The SATMIN Civil Rights conference in 1985 helped unify and bolster the movement even more so and 1986 would see legislation for them, granting legal protection from discrimination in employment, adoptation and many other aspects. However, the movement was only beginning there as the conflict would shift onto the cultural front. Namely in further communicating their message to the people and showing what they wanted while also wanting to take the change to show the world who they are. However, while a growing number of people were supportative, old habits die hard and the lack of inexperience for some along with the generational gap meant other issues arose.

Queersploitation would be a result of this period of time in cultural exploration and growing generational differences and the name was inspired by how a similar phenomena happened over in the 1970s with the blaxploitation subgenre.

Queersploitation is the name given to the growing subgenre of films at the time, usually with some level of influence from prominent SATMIN individuals in Hollywood. As the attitude of acceptance grew along with the possibility of profits, more of these films would be seen. For many people in Hollywood, it allowed them to come out of the closet as it was called and be able to try and do the sort of indulgences they wanted to do, especially if they could go and cater to a growing audience. Of course, the how remained a question?

The first one would be by taking famous romance stories, such as Romeo and Juliet and others and switch around the genders along with a more modern setting. It was simple and it was relatively straightforward. It also was considered a relatively safe bet in making money, especially when they would rely over on the periphery audience to go and gain more profit from these sort of films. Another would be on biopics, aimed and focused on prominent figures over in SATMIN history, being done as an educational angle to show the life stories of these people who were forced to hide who they were. Figures like Oscar Wilde and the like would get their lives explored and their time in the light to celeberate who they were. The figures were those usually of centuries prior, as more modern figures were avoided for the time being though many also believed this was to gather research and expand on such figured. Others included things such as SATMIN tragedies, focusing either on failed romances or being tragic films that would show the suffering of the protagonists or their close ones. Done as a raw expression of emotion, it framed just what some of them have gone through or the pain of what it was like, often done to promote sympathy or slander certain groups. There were even some oddballs such as an attempted buddy cop comedy though with both of the cops being attracted to one another.

The stars and often the higher-ups such as directors would be the ones making the creative decisions. However, straight people still had an influence, if mainly in financing the thing or doing the basic work though SATMIN peoples would also be seen there. Either through theatrical released film, movies made straight for television or even some television shorts, it would be coming out. However, while much of the material that was being created celebrated and even indulged in the many aspects of SATMIN culture, a backlash was gradually beginning to grow.

From the campiness to the showy flair, it was something that many celeberated and enjoyed there, feeling they could be themselves and display it. However, as the 1990s were coming, there was a growing division on who was liking it. Primarily, it seemed that most who enjoyed these were those in urban areas along with those who were on the older side, baby boomers and the like. However, for the younger folk such as the brightbangers and so on, the campiness and other aspects traditionally associated with American SATMIN culture such as theater or Broadway or whatnot began losing their charm for them after a while. For them, they felt that this was rather limiting or constraining over what films for SATMIN audiences could be like. Some even saw it as a somewhat harmful perpetuation of the stereotypes that they were associated with for awhile. Yet another complaint was feeling how a large portion of the fictional material was just rehashes of preexisting heterosexual stories, with some just blatant changes to the gender and the like. Some creators felt that it wasn't really anything that was truly theirs. And another was over on how it was somewhat exclusionary of people of color who were SATMIN though this appeared to be more a factor of scarcity and not having much luck there though for the SATMIN people of color, it was another bitter situation for them to deal with.

Despite that though, it was still a complicated history. After all, there was now SATMIN characters over in film and television that could be looked up to. Not just victims or jokes, but also protagonsits and heroes, with increasingly complicated and more well-rounded depths and most of the works did have enough effort put into it to be relatively decent. While perhaps not as controversial as blaxploitation was, it was still becoming a complicated issue, as some defended the works and viewing those against it as ungrateful or not knowing the history while those critical began upset and viewing it as limiting, stereotypical or unimaginative.
Maybe it's just me, but if the Channel is called Metrox, maybe it should have a name like ''Kids Metrox'' or something.
Edited it over to be MetroCentury Broadcasting or the MCB channel that takes the place of OTL Fox and thus be MetroKids their bloc.

And yeah, Queersploitation thus lead to a nice boom of SATMIN media though I imagine it'd be on the same level of blaxploitation in terms of quality, at least compared to their decades anyway (1970s for the latter and 1980s-1990s for the former) along with having more focus on television. As one can guess, this will have some interesting influences down the line.
Edited it over to be MetroCentury Broadcasting or the MCB channel that takes the place of OTL Fox and thus be MetroKids their bloc.

And yeah, Queersploitation thus lead to a nice boom of SATMIN media though I imagine it'd be on the same level of blaxploitation in terms of quality, at least compared to their decades anyway (1970s for the latter and 1980s-1990s for the former) along with having more focus on television. As one can guess, this will have some interesting influences down the line.
if Friends still happens ITTL, maybe Chandler will be gay like in the original script
Winter 1991- More Bleeding Red
Winter 1991- More Bleeding Red


Royal Monogram of King Olav V (1903-1991)

Despite a bit of the losses in House and Senate, the Askew Administraton was going strong. Rather than falter, they began pushing on various plans, some long-term and some that are more in the short term. One of which was over in education. With the growing sense of internationalism and cooperation among nations, unsurprisingly there would be a sense of comparisons between the nations. One of which would be education. Some of the comparisons over with educational system and how the US was doing with other nations prompted a further need to try and upgrade the educational system within the US. While improvements have been with funding, especially toward inner-city schools, a new approach was needing to be taken with more systemic problems and other issues. This has been leading to the Askew adminstration beginning to look into further reforms and even looking into what other nations are doing for inspiration. Rumors have been circulating to things like centralizing education and pushing for more bussing, a topic that managed to get passed through thanks to the strong support the Askew administration was having. The Democrats were mostly on-board though beginning to undergo some changes as the last of the old guard was considering retiring. The Republicans meanwhile seemed to have gotten themselves mostly together, but still seem to be somewhat lost in ideology. The Unizens meanwhile have been promoting their centralist stance and even began courting various Democrats to get in with them.

Meanwhile, across the world, the Soviet Union is still undergoing some various issues with the seeming unraveling of their nation. The Singing Revolution continues on, refusing to be silenced. Soviet forces storm Vilnius to stop Lithuanian independence, killing more than a dozen civilians hundreds more being injured. Meanwhile in Latvia, a series of confrontations between the Latvian government and the Soviet government take place in Riga. These were not the only problems they were having. The South Ossetia War would break out as a result of Ossetians in Georgia trying to break out of the natio and join up with their northern neighbors, starting a conflict within the region. [1] Gorbachev has been looking increasingly upset at the situation yet also appearing conflicted or concerned. Some have speculated that this may have something to do with the growing friction between him and his party. However, he has also been making moves toward a surprising development. Gorbachev has sent advisors and diplomats over to Lithuania to discuss a certain matter. In fact, the news would be that the Soviets were willing to discuss matters regarding Lithuanian independence albeit with an unknown caveat. What said condition is remains unknown though speculate that it may actually have to do with Kaliningrad, due to its importance over to the Soviets on a geopolitical level. According to rumor, the Soviets would buy land from southern Lithuania to maintain a route between Kaliningrad and the rest of the Soviet Union in exchange for full recognition of independence. The Lithuanians have begun debating on the matter as well as looking over the proposals.

Despite this, there was still positives over in the world. In South Africa, Nelson Mandela of the African National Congress and Mangosuthu Buthelezi of the Inkatha Freedom Party agree to end violence between the two organizations. The United States has sent assistance over in Haiti after an attempted coup by the Tonton Macoute, a paramilitary force under former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier is thwarted and weeks later, Haiti's first democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, is sworn in. Meanwhile, itnernational aid comes to Afghanistan due to a 6.4 mb Hindu Kush earthquake causes severe damage in northeast Afghanistan. The Republic is quite thankful and has been using it to improve their standing to both superpowers while further stabilizing the area, including dealing with religious reactionaries and enforcing order in some of the tribal areas.In the meanwhile, there was still some concerns over such as the increasing attacks over by the IRA on various sites, leading to concerns on what could happen if political officials would be targeted or even killed during the time period [1]. India's economc problems were worsening now and more pressure was on the government. While Rajiv Gandhi lost nearly a hundred seats, he was able to maintain a majority over back in 1989 and many wonder what would happen soon and if he could pass the reforms needed. And Norway would mourn the passing of the People's King in King Olav V with Harald V becoming the new king of Norway.

[1]- Information and phrasing from here:
Yup! Things are getting more interesting now! I have some questions for everyone!

1- What do you think could be done to improve the US's education system outside of more funding over ehre in the early 1990s?
2- Do you think Lithuania would go for the Soviets' deal? I mean, it would seem like a no, but if the Soviets are offering a fair bit of financial compensation for the land...
3- What would happen you think if the IRA would've gone and injued or healed a high-ranking political official or even Prime Minister?
1991- The Soviet Union: Oncoming Change
1991- The Soviet Union: Oncoming Change

The Soviet Union as we knew it was approaching its twilight. The economic situation has improved, ending the concerning period of stagnation and beginning the shift from the focus of heavy industry over to computing and even the service industry beginning to see more focus. However, the politics have remained unchanged and all this would show was what would push the Soviet Union to this brink was not the economic model, but what plagued it even prior to the formation of the Soviet Union: Russian behavior toward its neighbors. The nations of the Warsaw Pact have all but left. Some have been undergoing larger and radical political reforms because of the blatant corruption while the more stable ones have been balancing recaliberating themselves, with a mixed economy or market socialism in various forms and even forming new trade agreements with one another. Some have predicted that they may join the EEC or perhaps make their own counterpart to it. And then the Soviet Union itself began cracking. From the Baltic nations rebelling from being used as ports by the Russians and fear of losing their culture to the bitter rivalries of the Caucasus rising up once, the Union began cracking. And that was not including even the political problems that came with the corruption, cronyism and the growing divide between the hardliners and the reformers.

Needless to say, Mikhail Gorbachev was in a somewhat stress situation.

However, he did have some comfortwith the recovered economy over in the USSR. Additionally, the leadership in the other superpower, the United State of America, had been benign, especially compared to the antagonistic approach like with former President Reagan. As such, he would be better able to focus on the matter at hand while also taking advice over from the Americans. And one of which came over from an American diplomat, one Jack F. Matlock Jr. During a meeting, he gave a warning over to Gorbachev about the likelihood of a coup coming from within his party coming after him. It was quite surprising, but given everything that was happening with increased tensions, the growing frustration of dealing with the hardliners and them becoming more aggressive... and then he recalled discussions over such a matter with China and how the debacle over the Tiananmen Square Protests went and how violence nearly happened.

Gorbachev was a reformer. He did not see himself as the type to go and do a party purge...

But the evidence was there and he was already outlining his most ambitious plan yet to try and save the Soviet Union in some form or fashion. He knew tht if he went forward witout doing anything on the matter, he would be inviting himself to chaos, especially without a proper predecessor. With that in mind, he couldn't help but go and arrange a private meeting with China on the matter between the leaders and the concern. By now, Deng Xiaoping had successfully isolated Li Peng politically, even rooting out his supporters and would soon be ousted himself, with his replacement to be chosen by Deng and Zhao Ziyang, rumored to be Hu Qili.

He could not do anything now, but he knew what to expect and when they would come, they would find themselves trapped. Deng advised Gorbachev on something else, that if that happened, he would need to send a message to his party for the stability of his nation. And that would be by purging the party... and possibly other dissenting elements that would threaten the stability should they make their move.

But that was just for tomorrow.

Right now, he presented something to the drafting committee.

His New Union Treaty.

The idea would be to reform the Soviet Union into a more federalized state and preparing to try and gather support for it. Though it was becoming clear early on that not everyone would not be on board with this regardless. However, they could go and leave if they desired. Gorbachev focused on what he could save right here and now with his treaty. March would be when a popular referendum would be held on it though given how they were on the first draft, some additional fine-tuning would likely be needed. But if that is what it takes, then it will happen.
Yup! Things are getting more interesting now! I have some questions for everyone!

1- What do you think could be done to improve the US's education system outside of more funding over ehre in the early 1990s?
2- Do you think Lithuania would go for the Soviets' deal? I mean, it would seem like a no, but if the Soviets are offering a fair bit of financial compensation for the land...
3- What would happen you think if the IRA would've gone and injued or healed a high-ranking political official or even Prime Minister?
Also, anything on these questions, anyone? Would be helpful!