Shamans: An Alternate Take of Tite Kubo's Masterpiece

Should Ringo be a Fist Fighter or a swordsman

  • Fist Figher

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Swordsman

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
Ringo's Backstory
Ringo Kurosaki lived with his family in a serene community nestled near Mount Fuji. His mother, Ichika, often regaled him with tales of the Shaman Society and the esteemed Chief of Shamans, inspiring Ringo with wonder and awe.

Tragedy struck when a masked figure, akin to the infamous Aka Manto, mercilessly took Ichika's life, leaving Ringo and his sister Karin bereft of their mother's love and guidance. Their sorrow deepened as their father, Akira, was unjustly imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit.

Ringo, driven by a fierce sense of duty, assumed the mantle of protector for his family. Despite his noble intentions, the weight of responsibility led him astray, spiraling into a life of delinquency during his formative years.

His actions drew concern from those around him, including his steadfast friend Momo Watanabe and her father Giichi, who served as a guiding presence in Ringo's tumultuous life.

One fateful encounter changed everything. While defending Momo from a malevolent Mononoke, In a surge of instinctual bravery, he unleashed dormant power, saving Momo but falling into a coma himself.

Within the ethereal realm, Ringo encountered Reiko, the formidable "Shimigami," unraveling the veils of the Shaman Society.

Upon awakening, Urahara Kisuke, a venerable Shaman Master, elucidated Ringo's newfound Furyoku abilities, inviting him to join the illustrious Shaman Corps.

Thus began Ringo's odyssey from grief-stricken survivor to burgeoning Shaman, poised to wield his latent powers for the greater good..
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Shamans Character Sheet: Ringo Takahashi
Character Sheet: Ringo Takahashi

Name: Ringo Takahashi

Age: 14

Gender: Male

- Hair: Bright red and spiky, styled with a stem-like tuft resembling an apple stalk.
- Eyes: Amber
- Height: 5'5"
- Build: Athletic and lean, showcasing his dedication to physical training.

- Brave: Fearless and always ready to face danger head-on.
- Determined: Strong-willed, never gives up on his goals
- Confident: Has a high level of self-assurance and often acts without hesitation, much like Yusuke.
- Reckless: Tends to act without thinking, often getting into trouble
- Kind-hearted: Deep sense of justice and empathy for others
- Humorous: Possesses a good sense of humor and often uses jokes to defuse tense situations.
- Rebellious: Tends to challenge authority and dislikes being told what to do, often following his own path.
- Charismatic: Natural leader, easily gains the trust and admiration of those around him

- Family:
- Mother: Ichika Takahashi (deceased)
- Father: Akira Takahashi (wrongfully imprisoned)
- Sister: Yuzu Takahashi
- Childhood: Inspired by his mother's stories about the Shaman Society and the Chief of Shamans
- Tragedy: Mother murdered by a Man in a Mask (Aka Manto), father wrongfully imprisoned
- Life Changes: Became delinquent to support his sister, drawn into fights and part-time work

Significant Events:
- Encounter with Mononoke: Saved Momo Watanabe from a Mononoke, unleashing his dormant Furyoku power, and fell into a coma
- Vision: Met Reiko, the "Shinigami," who revealed his potential as a Shaman
- Mentor: Upon awakening, was visited by Urahara Kisuke, who offered him a chance to join the Shaman Corps

Character Sheet: Benkei

Name: Benkei

Benkei is a powerful monk with the face of a monkey, symbolizing his primal wisdom and former arrogance. His muscular frame is adorned with glowing spiritual tattoos that denote his mastery of Furyoku. He wears traditional monk robes, and his eyes, despite their animalistic appearance, reflect both wisdom and the burden of his past ego.

Benkei was once considered one of the most powerful shamans in the world. His unparalleled mastery over Furyoku fostered a massive ego, leading to his downfall. Upon his death, his spirit became corrupted, turning him into a Mononoke—a vengeful and malevolent spirit. To prevent him from causing destruction, a group of powerful shamans imprisoned his spirit within a stone, sealing him away for 500 years. His imprisonment ended when an eight-year-old boy named Ringo, unknowingly possessing strong shamanic potential, stumbled upon the stone and released Benkei’s spirit, binding it to his own soul. Initially, Benkei and Ringo did not get along due to their clashing personalities and Benkei's residual arrogance, but over time, they learned to work together.


Heavenly Fists:
One of Benkei's signature abilities, Heavenly Fists, allows him to channel immense Furyoku into his fists, delivering devastating blows that can shatter stone and dispel evil spirits. Each punch is imbued with spiritual energy, creating shockwaves of pure Furyoku that can cleanse and purify the environment. The sheer force of these punches can cause localized earthquakes and send opponents flying.

- Spirit-Infused Strikes: Each punch carries a burst of spiritual energy, amplifying the impact.

- Shockwaves: The force of the punches creates shockwaves that can affect a wide area.

- Spirit Disruption: The energy disrupts the spiritual flow of opponents, weakening their abilities temporarily.


Shikai: Saru Ringo (Monkey Apple)
- Enhanced Superhuman Physique: In his Shikai form, Ringo’s physical attributes are enhanced to superhuman levels. He gains incredible strength, speed, and agility, allowing him to perform feats beyond human capabilities.
- Rei: Ringo can fire powerful blasts of concentrated Furyoku from his hands, known as Rei. These energy blasts are highly destructive and can obliterate obstacles and enemies with ease.
- Monkey-like Abilities: Ringo gains enhanced agility, speed, and reflexes, allowing him to move with the grace and swiftness of a monkey. His physical strength is also amplified, enabling him to perform incredible feats of acrobatics and combat.
- Heavenly Fists (Shikai Version): In this form, the Heavenly Fists are powerful enough to break through solid rock and deliver concentrated blasts of Furyoku to incapacitate foes.

Chukai: Saruno Ringo (Monkey King Apple)
- Improved Superhuman Capability: In Chukai form, Ringo’s superhuman capabilities are further enhanced, pushing his strength, speed, and agility to even greater heights.
- Spirit Staff: Ringo wields Benkei's mystical staff imbued with Furyoku, known as the Spirit Staff. This staff enhances his combat abilities and serves as a conduit for his spiritual energy. The staff can extend, contract, and change size at Benkei's will, allowing for versatile combat techniques and powerful strikes.
- Rei Kurai: An advanced version of the Rei, Cero Kurai is a dark, concentrated beam of Furyoku that can pierce through the toughest defenses and cause massive destruction.
- Heavenly Fists (Chukai Version): In this form, the Heavenly Fists’ power is amplified, capable of causing small-scale earthquakes and obliterating large obstacles.

Bankai: Sarugami Ringo (Monkey God Apple)
- Divine Capability: In his Bankai form, Ringo’s strength, speed, and agility reach divine levels. He moves with unparalleled grace and precision, striking his enemies with lightning-fast blows.
- Spirit Army: Ringo can summon an army of spectral warriors, each a manifestation of his spiritual power. These warriors fight alongside him, overwhelming his enemies with sheer numbers and coordinated attacks.
- Gran Rey Cero: A more potent and devastating version of the Cero, Gran Rey Cero is a massive blast of Furyoku that can obliterate anything in its path. It combines Ringo’s raw power with his refined spiritual energy.
- Spirit Avatar: In his ultimate form, Ringo merges with his spiritual energy to become a towering avatar of Furyoku. This avatar embodies the combined strength and wisdom of his monkey-inspired heritage, granting him unparalleled power and control over spiritual energy. In this form, Ringo can unleash devastating attacks and perform miraculous feats of shamanic prowess.
- Heavenly Fists (Bankai Version): In its final form, the Heavenly Fists are a cataclysmic force of nature. The punches can unleash massive waves of spiritual energy capable of leveling mountains and defeating the most formidable of foes.

Relationship with Ringo:
Initially, Benkei and Ringo's relationship is strained due to their conflicting personalities—Benkei’s arrogance and Ringo’s naivety. However, as they face challenges together, they begin to understand and respect each other. Their bond strengthens, allowing them to unlock even greater powers and face the challenges ahead as a united force.

Fun Fact:
Benkei’s name and character are inspired by the historical figure Benkei, a legendary warrior monk, and his abilities draw from the mythological figures Sun Wukong, the Monkey King from Chinese folklore, and Hanuman, the monkey deity from Hindu mythology. These influences are reflected in Benkei’s strength, agility, and a combination of wisdom and playful arrogance.
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Ability: Shaman Mask
Shaman Mask is a unique ability that combines the principles of Goku's Kaioken from "Dragon Ball" and Naruto's Sage Mode from "Naruto." It enables the Shaman to tap into primal spiritual energy, enhancing their physical and spiritual capabilities to extraordinary levels. By channeling the energy of nature and their Guardian Spirit, the Shaman achieves a state of heightened awareness and power.

Abilities and Effects:

1. Enhanced Physical Attributes:
- Strength: The Shaman's physical strength increases dramatically, allowing them to deliver devastating blows and overpower opponents with ease.
- Speed: Their reflexes and agility are heightened, enabling swift movements and rapid evasion of attacks.
- Endurance: The Shaman's stamina is greatly augmented, allowing them to endure prolonged battles without succumbing to fatigue.

2. Heightened Spiritual Perception:
- Spiritual Sensitivity: The Shaman gains the ability to perceive spiritual energy with exceptional clarity, allowing them to sense the presence and intentions of spiritual entities.
- Spiritual Awareness: They become attuned to the flow of nature's energy, granting insights into their surroundings and the ability to detect subtle changes in the environment.

3. Mystical Abilities:
- Spiritual Energy Manipulation: The Shaman can harness and manipulate spiritual energy with precision, unleashing powerful attacks and defensive techniques.
- Elemental Affinity: Depending on their Guardian Spirit and the environment, the Shaman may exhibit control over elemental forces such as fire, water, earth, or wind.

4. Enhanced Combat Skills:
- Combat Mastery: The Shaman's combat prowess reaches new heights, as they intuitively anticipate and counter their opponent's moves with precision.
- Weapon Proficiency: If the Shaman employs weapons, their proficiency with them is amplified, allowing for devastating strikes and techniques.

5. Sensory Perception:
- Heightened Senses: The Shaman's senses are heightened to supernatural levels, granting them acute vision, hearing, and smell, enabling them to detect even the slightest movements or changes in their environment.

Usage and Limitations:
- Activation: The Shaman must undergo a ritualistic meditation process to enter the Shaman Mask state, during which they commune with their Guardian Spirit and channel nature's energy.
- Energy Consumption: While in Shaman Mask mode, the Shaman's spiritual energy depletes rapidly, and prolonged use may lead to exhaustion or loss of control.
- Cooldown Period: After deactivating Shaman Mask, the Shaman requires a cooldown period to replenish their spiritual energy and recover from the exertion.
- Risk of Overuse: Excessive reliance on Shaman Mask can strain the Shaman's spiritual and physical well-being, leading to potential long-term consequences if not used judiciously.

Fun Fact:
The concept of Shaman Mask draws inspiration from the themes of spiritual empowerment and heightened perception found in both "Dragon Ball" and "Naruto." By blending elements of these iconic series, Shaman Mask offers a unique fusion of combat prowess, mystical abilities, and spiritual enlightenment within the context of shamanic practices.
Shaman Character Sheet: Orenji Kurosaki New
Name: Orenji Kurosaki

Age: 15

Gender: Male

- Hair: Bright orange, spiky, reminiscent of flames.
- Eyes: Deep green, often gleaming with sarcasm or hidden worry.
- Clothes: Typically seen in a black attire, which contrasts sharply with his fiery hair.
- Build: Lean but muscular, with a physique suited for agility and swordsmanship.

- Sarcastic: Uses sarcasm as a defense mechanism to mask his true feelings and insecurities.
- Grumpy: Often comes across as irritable and moody, especially in unfamiliar or stressful situations.
- Tough Guy Image: Cultivates a rough exterior to hide his sense of powerlessness and vulnerability.
- Loyal Friend: Deeply cares for those close to him, though he rarely shows it openly.
- Sensitive: Despite his gruff exterior, he has a keen sense of empathy, particularly towards spirits.

- Family:
- Father: Isshin, a dedicated cop and partner of Giichi.
- Mother: Masaki, aMasaki, a housewife struggling with alcoholism.
- Sister: Yuzu, his younger sister whom he feels a strong need to protect.
- Uncle: Ren, who passed away, leaving a significant impact on Orenji.
- Childhood: Grew up seeing spirits, which led to feelings of isolation and confusion. His inability to protect spirits and people fostered a sense of helplessness.
- Current Situation: Orenji and his best friend Ringo are among the few at their school who can see spirits. Their unique ability draws them closer as they navigate the challenges of the Shamanic world.

- Spirit Sight: Can see and communicate with spirits, a rare ability he shares with Ringo.
- Swordsmanship: Became a skilled swordsman upon entering the Shaman Society and the Shaman Academy.
- Fukoken: Yoshitsune, a powerful sword master spirit, guides and enhances his abilities.

Notable Techniques:
- Shikai (Zangetsu):

1. Moon-Fang Heaven Piercer:
- Description: Channels spiritual energy into his sword, creating a blade of pure Furyoku.
- Effect: Allows Orenji to cut through spiritual entities and physical objects with equal ease.

2. Duality Moon-Fang Barrage:
- Description: Combines rapid sword strikes with bursts of spiritual energy.
- Effect: Overwhelms the opponent with a flurry of powerful, precise attacks that can target multiple enemies or focus on a single opponent.

3. Spirit Flash:
- Description: Orenji channels his Furyoku into a blinding flash of light from his sword.
- Effect: Temporarily blinds and disorients enemies, giving him a tactical advantage.

4. Heavenly Slice:
- Description: A powerful overhead strike infused with concentrated spiritual energy.
- Effect: Creates a shockwave that can split the ground and cause massive damage.

Chukai (Tensa Zangetsu)

1. Enhanced Capabilities:
- Description: Significantly boosts Orenji's physical strength, speed, and agility.
- Effect: Allows for faster, stronger, and more precise attacks and movements.

2. Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer (Chukai Version):
- Description: An evolved form of the Moon-Fang Style, focusing all of Orenji's spiritual energy into a single, piercing strike.
- Effect: Can penetrate the toughest defenses and cause massive damage.

3. Lightning Moon Fang:
- Description: Channels lightning Furyoku into his sword, creating a blade crackling with electricity.
- Effect: Electrifies enemies on contact, causing paralysis and additional damage.

4. Furyoku Shield:
- Description: Creates a barrier of concentrated spiritual energy around Orenji.
- Effect: Protects against physical and spiritual attacks, absorbing and deflecting incoming damage.

5. Flash Step:
- Description: Uses Furyoku to enhance his movement speed, allowing him to move so fast he appears to teleport.
- Effect: Grants a significant advantage in combat, enabling swift strikes and evasive maneuvers.

These new moves enhance Orenji's versatility and combat effectiveness, allowing him to adapt to various battle situations and overcome even the toughest opponents.

Bankai (Mugen Tensa Zangetsu)

Description: Orenji's Bankai represents the pinnacle of his power and connection with Zangetsu. The blade transforms into an even more elegant and deadly form, glowing with an intense, otherworldly light. Orenji himself is surrounded by a powerful aura, signifying his heightened spiritual energy.


1. Moon-Fang Cross-Shaped Piercer:
- Description: Orenji channels his energy into a cross-shaped blade strike that releases two intersecting energy waves.
- Effect: The cross-shaped attack increases the chance of hitting the target and can devastate a wide area, ensuring maximum impact.

2. Moon-Fang Heaven Piercer (Bankai Version):
- Description: Orenji unleashes the ultimate version of his signature attack, concentrating all his spiritual energy into a single, overwhelming crescent-shaped wave.
- Effect: This attack has unparalleled destructive power, capable of obliterating even the strongest opponents and barriers.

3. Crescent Barrage:
- Description: Orenji combines the destructive force of his Moon-Fang attacks with hellfire, creating an attack that not only cuts but also incinerates.
- Effect: This barrage overwhelms opponents with a flurry of attacks, making it difficult for them to defend or counter.

4. Divine Lunar Avatar:
- Description: Orenji manifests a massive, spectral avatar of himself wielding an even larger version of Zangetsu.
- Effect: This avatar mirrors Orenji's movements, multiplying the power and range of his attacks, and can engage multiple enemies simultaneously.

Fun Fact:
- Animal Motif: His animal motif is the lion, symbolizing his inner strength and ferocity despite his outwardly grumpy and sarcastic demeanor.
The Four Noble Houses of the Shaman Society New
The Shaman Society is governed and influenced by four noble houses, each with a long history and significant impact on the society's spiritual and political realms. These houses are Minamoto, Kuchiki, Fujiwara, and Tsunayashiro. Each house has unique characteristics, strengths, and roles within the Shaman Society. Additionally, the defunct House of Takahashi was once among these prestigious families.

1. House of Minamoto
- History and Legacy: The Minamoto family is one of the oldest and most respected houses in the Shaman Society. Known for their strategic minds and warrior spirit, they have produced numerous powerful shamans who excel in combat and leadership.
- Special Abilities: Members of the Minamoto family are often skilled in martial arts and possess strong spiritual energy, allowing them to perform potent exorcisms and protective spells.
- Role in Society: The Minamoto house is often called upon for tasks that require strength and bravery, such as dealing with powerful mononoke and leading shamanic warriors in battle.

2. House of Kuchiki
- History and Legacy: The Kuchiki family is renowned for their elegance, discipline, and strict adherence to tradition. They have a reputation for producing refined and cultured shamans who excel in the arts and spiritual refinement.
- Special Abilities: Kuchiki shamans are known for their mastery of spiritual arts, including illusions, purification rituals, and healing practices. Their abilities often have an aesthetic and graceful quality.
- Role in Society: The Kuchiki house plays a crucial role in maintaining the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Shaman Society. They are often involved in ceremonies, rituals, and the education of young shamans.

3. House of Fujiwara
- History and Legacy: The Fujiwara family has a storied history of political influence and intellectual prowess. Known for their diplomatic skills and intelligence, they often serve as advisors and strategists within the Shaman Society.
- Special Abilities: Fujiwara shamans are adept at mental and spiritual manipulation, including mind-reading, telepathy, and creating powerful spiritual barriers.
- Role in Society: The Fujiwara house is pivotal in political and strategic matters, often mediating conflicts and providing counsel to the leadership of the Shaman Society.

4. House of Tsunayashiro
- History and Legacy: The Tsunayashiro family is the most powerful and influential house in the Shaman Society. They have a long history of spiritual and political dominance and are known for their strict control over spiritual processes and rituals.
- Special Abilities: Tsunayashiro shamans possess unparalleled spiritual power, including advanced spirit communication, powerful exorcisms, and the ability to manipulate spiritual energy on a grand scale.
- Role in Society: As the most important house, the Tsunayashiro family oversees many of the Shaman Society's critical functions, including the appointment of leadership positions, maintaining spiritual laws, and protecting the society from existential threats.

The Defunct House of Takahashi
- History and Legacy: The Takahashi family was once one of the most revered houses in the Shaman Society, with Yoshinori Takahashi serving as the first Chief of Shamans. Their legacy includes foundational contributions to shamanic practices and spiritual leadership.
- Downfall: Despite their initial praise and influence, the Takahashi family fell victim to political conspiracies and fears among the Elders. Yoshinori Takahashi was secretly assassinated by those who feared his influence. Subsequent generations faced similar fates, leading to their erasure from society's memory.
- Role in Society: The Takahashi family was known for their balanced approach to spiritual and martial prowess, with an emphasis on protecting both the physical and spiritual realms.
- Final Attempt to Erase: Aka Manto, a powerful mononoke, was secretly ordered by higher-ups to assassinate Ichika, who they believed was the last Takahashi. This conspiracy aimed to ensure no Takahashi would reclaim their former glory and influence.
- Survival of Ringo and Karin Takahashi:
Despite facing immense adversity, Ringo and Karin Takahashi, the last surviving members of the Takahashi house, managed to survive and carry on their family's legacy. Their resilience and determination serve as a testament to the enduring spirit of the Takahashi lineage.

The Four Noble Houses of the Shaman Society—Minamoto, Kuchiki, Fujiwara, and Tsunayashiro—each bring unique strengths and traditions that shape the society's spiritual and political landscape. The fallen Takahashi house, despite its historical significance, was erased due to fear and political machinations, leaving behind a legacy of both reverence and tragedy.