Shocking camera footage discovered!

(A fictional scenario...)

So, the premise is that, unknown to the world, some media footage (still photos, audio, film and/or video) of a momentous event was captured in real time. The person capturing/storing/archiving the footage put it away shortly after capture in a footlocker or the like, and before bringing it public, died tragically. The footage was stumbled into by a descendent or researcher or whatever in 2023...

(Also, the point here is NOT that the footage necessarily changes history in the, "actually, you thought X, but really Y", but moreso, what SUBJECTS would be interesting. Sure, history could be tweaked, but that's somewhat secondary to the shock of the discovery. Presume that the footage can be verified as being appropriate vintage. Means of capture not entirely ASB, but can be pretty close...)
To get some of the obvious ones out of the way first:

1) Further footage of the JFK assassination (beyond the Zapruder film and other stills). Ideally someone in the plaza opposite the book depository, capturing, potentially, the car and the depository building itself. And/or simply more crowd footage.

2) OJ Simpson/Nicole Brown footage, from a security camera or the like.
I'd love good clear film footage of the Normandy invasion, but can't really think of a good non-ASB way to get it. Various other WW2 possibilities present - "Inside the bunker in Berlin." (I suppose you could have somebody capturing Hitler's daily life for posterity, the footage supposedly lost, then refound?
I'm pretty sure MLK Jr's Mountain-top speech (last speech, the night before he was killed) was audio-recorded, but not film/video. Would be interesting, but I guess just adding images doesn't add SO much to the understanding...

I think a lot of Churchill stuff (key speeches) was not captured - some was re-recorded later. Not sure about De Gaulle's most famous speeches.

Smuggled film from Auschwitz or other concentration camps, perhaps by a German who sought to get the news out (to the broader world)?
Full set of Dr Who?

There was a very good April Fool's article about 10 years back that had early Dr Who episodes being reflected back to Earth, so that over the next few years or so the BBC was hoping the missing episodes could all be restored.
Strangely, amongst all the excitement, they omitted to mention what they might reflecting from and where.
The Oklahoma City bombing.

No video footage of the explosion itself is known to exist (all the videos you see are of the immediate aftermath), but there is an audio recording that was taken at a meeting in a nearby building.
1. Any discussions involving the Kennedy campaign and Mayor Daley in 1960 (rumors abound....)
2. The Oval Office in mid-1972.
3. A street level view on the Appel Quay in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914

Coulsdon Eagle

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Prince Albert (future King George VI) had an early cine-camera (right term) aboard HMS Collingwood at the Battle of Jutland, but no time to retrieve it. I would love to see some footage of the battle.
Intact film from the sinking of the Lusitania.
That could have come from the periscope of the sub which fired the torpedo.

I'm frankly shocked that nobody has suggested pictures from the Titanic, especially of the iceberg a couple of minutes before the collision.
A real-world surprise (for me) was a recent YouTube offering of television footage from 1935-1940 Germany. The BBC had compiled it and supplied English subtitles.

It's creepy.
Clearer footage of Ninoy Aquino's Assassination in Manila International Airport in August 21, 1983. The cameraman of an ABC News crew aboard the plane just so happened to be in an unfortunate angle wherein exposure from the sun's glare obscured the actual shooting of Ferdinand Marcos's archnemesis.

That could have come from the periscope of the sub which fired the torpedo.

I'm frankly shocked that nobody has suggested pictures from the Titanic, especially of the iceberg a couple of minutes before the collision.
So, about that. One of the Marconi operators had a camera on him when the Lusitania sank and he took some photos as the ship sank. Thing is while he survived, he went into the water and the film was badly damaged.
This footage:

Civilian newsreel cameraman Makishima, who was on Akagi’s flight deck filming the attack on Kaga and the flagship, states explicitly that, while personnel located on her bridge might have deemed it a hit, in fact the bomb almost grazed the edge of the flight deck and plunged into the water alongside the stern.40 The resulting geyser bent the edge of the flight deck upward, thus creating the illusion of a hit.

Parshall, Jonathan; Tully, Anthony. Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway (p. 449). Potomac Books. Kindle Edition.
Civilian cameraman Makishima Teiuchi, who had filmed the attacks on both Akagi and Kaga, only to lose his priceless footage in the subsequent fire, found himself in an internment camp of sorts for several weeks. Even when released, he was warned not to go to Tokyo or he would be arrested by the kempeitai, the dreaded military police.12 He, too, was shortly shipped back out to the South Seas, far away from anyone to whom he could spill the beans.

Parshall, Jonathan; Tully, Anthony. Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway (p. 702). Potomac Books. Kindle Edition.

It wouldn't be revelatory of anything majorly new, I suspect, except in the visceral detail of it but I think it and its survival would be shocking. Possibly some footage of the hangar deck might reveal the state of Japanese fighter operations and stuff around the time Nagumo had to make his decisions about when to strike and with what.
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I imagine some Nazi propagandist thinking that filming certain atrocities was actually documenting noble deeds for the future. LIke films of Dr Mengele's experiments thinking this would be of scientific value one day. Or filming what really went on in the death camps so that future historians could see the "great work" done to establish the thousand years of peace under the Third Reich.

Imagine the outrage if that footage was then released in the internet age where it would become impossible to suppress. Actual documented graphic proof that Holocaust survivors would have to face. Truly disturbing images that would disturb many (if not most) viewers. And, of course, people like those that filmed the stuff who actually found it inspiring.