The Campaign Trail Game Has Returned.

I haven't played NCT in ages, but I saw the 2002 Dutch election one and decided it'd be fun to try a LN Fortuyn run. I kept the answers to the anti-bureaucracy populist and non far-right ones so I didn't feel like I needed a shower after playing, and all in all it worked out pretty well- 22 seats and 14.3% of the vote!

On a sidenote, I was thinking it might be fun to try making a 1992 UK election scenario with the modmaker if it hasn't been done already; has anyone got any guidelines or advice about how to make non-American elections?
I haven't played NCT in ages, but I saw the 2002 Dutch election one and decided it'd be fun to try a LN Fortuyn run. I kept the answers to the anti-bureaucracy populist and non far-right ones so I didn't feel like I needed a shower after playing, and all in all it worked out pretty well- 22 seats and 14.3% of the vote!View attachment 861540View attachment 861542
On a sidenote, I was thinking it might be fun to try making a 1992 UK election scenario with the modmaker if it hasn't been done already; has anyone got any guidelines or advice about how to make non-American elections?
Still don't understand why some people would want to take a shower after playing a game.

On another subject: this mod is awesome.
Still don't understand why some people would want to take a shower after playing a game.

On another subject: this mod is awesome.
Figure of speech, I just feel dirty picking bigoted options in games of Campaign Trail. But agreed, it's nice to see a mod for a really overlooked but fascinating election.

John Farson

How often do people pull off a win as Carter? Pleased with this result.
I don't think people win with Carter often at all, quite the opposite.

There are three pitfalls, namely the two debates and Eagle Claw. In order to have a chance, you have to get it right in all three, and even then it's no guarantee that you will actually win the electoral vote.

EDIT: And soon after I wrote this, I played the campaign again and got the exact same result. I lost the first debate but won the second, and Eagle Claw was a success. I also campaigned strictly in Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, with the latter two states deciding the election: the combined margin of victory in those two was 5,000 votes, and had they gone the other way Reagan would have won.

I imagine in this TL there would be rather intense calls to abolish the electoral college...
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A handy win for Humphrey; surprisingly easy!

-Debate Nixon, slam him on the peace talks at the very end, try to take his swing states
-Moderate your opinions of civil rights a little bit
-Campaign in Texas, Cali, and the midwest
-Support great society and an open reasonable peace in the SDW


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Does anybody know how to play this on git hub? it still isn't on the loader
I play this in a new second site,because the first become a shit and dont show the endings for me,(link: ( ),dont have a loader,all the mods are At the bottom, with times described, if you go to the 2000 and Beyond option you will see this Mod called 2000:Former Presidents more easy.

Changing the subject:since someone does a Animal Crossing Mod,I Hope to see a Pokemon Mod soon,election of Gym Leaders or someone more fun.
A throwback to the early 2000's, but with a twist: Baerbock wins in 2021 and forms a Green-Red Coalition, where this time, the Greens are at the helm and the SPD finds itself as the junior partner! Scholz gets a new boss, Laschet fails to win a single state and Die Linke is reduced to only 2 seats.

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Dewey 1944

Congratulations! You have won the 1944 election.​

This race was a dead heat according to the pundits and pollsters, despite other indications that Roosevelt would easily win, but it doesn’t make your victory any less surprising. Given Roosevelt’s personal popularity, your triumph is one for the ages. Your opponent may have led the country through most of the war, but you can swoop in and claim credit for leading the country out of it.

However, Democrats have large majorities in both chambers of Congress, meaning it will be hard to pass much of your agenda. Perhaps they will warm to some of your liberal positions. If all goes well, there’s no reason you can’t run for re-election in 1948. And since you are the established leader of the party, you can mold the Republican Party in your image. Good luck, Mr. President-elect!

CandidateElectoral VotesPopular VotesPopular Vote %
Thomas Dewey28522,985,05448.2%
Franklin D. Roosevelt24624,364,06651.1%
Other Candidates0303,3950.6%

Dewey well beaten in the popular vote, but won the election by squeaking a narrow win in his home state of New York by just 3,427 votes.