If Herrick wasn't one of my biggest "well, actually..." tools I use when it comes to puncturing the myth of Hughes's competency I'd forget about him too lol.
Mmm fair fair
Patton, i think, is not long for this world.
Granted, I could, and CAN be wrong, but if his death somehow leads to a very decentralized warlord era of the Confederacy for the next decade, well, I guess its just desserts.
I definitely feel bad screwing this guy over this bad but somebody had to be the guy without a chair when the music stops
Christ, the Confederacy is broken, isn't it? A vortex of starvation and anarchy and violence right now; with no immediate prospect of prosperity, and a lot of (formerly) well off people who've lost everything. And just to put the cherry on it, several million newly freed slaves who are now armed, likely angry, and almost certainly desperate themselves. Patton is going to be hated and reviled by EVERYONE in the South. If I were him I'd resign and move to...Cuba?
Mexico City would also probably be nice!
I'm keen to see the future of the Confederacy, and if it ever manages to turn things around and become even somewhat prosperous again.

I almost asked 'I wonder how long it will take for the Confederacy to rise again' before I reread what I wrote and went 'hang on a minute, that doesn't sound right'.
It’ll get better, sure
Ick. I suppose racists gonna be racist.
this is a TL now up to late 1910s/early 1920s USA after all
Perhaps we'll have this timelines version of a 'Long March'? :evilsmile:
Extending the month to 32, 33 or more days? I don't think there have been presented any reasons that the Confederacy would go to a different calendar (other than possibly to move May 5th to some other day on the calendar. I just don't see the type of reasons that the French redid their calendar.


Extending the month to 32, 33 or more days? I don't think there have been presented any reasons that the Confederacy would go to a different calendar (other than possibly to move May 5th to some other day on the calendar. I just don't see the type of reasons that the French redid their calendar.

So confused. Did you not get the pun, or are you just taking the joke in a weird direction?
Patton, i think, is not long for this world.
Granted, I could, and CAN be wrong, but if his death somehow leads to a very decentralized warlord era of the Confederacy for the next decade, well, I guess its just desserts.
Well, wr know he lives long enough to publish his memoirs at the very least - which makes me suspect he survives his term. Though I somewhat suspect that memoirs are not being written or published in thr CSA.
The Long March, as in, the Long March of Mao Zedong. As in, the Long March of Huey Long.

Yuk yuk.
Ah. Unfortunately, I'm took used Wade-Giles, as Taiwan was still using it when I was there. So to me, the last syllable of Mao's first name is "Tung".
Well, wr know he lives long enough to publish his memoirs at the very least - which makes me suspect he survives his term. Though I somewhat suspect that memoirs are not being written or published in thr CSA.
Which posting had a piece from his memoirs?
Which posting had a piece from his memoirs?
The most recent post when talking about Hughes and Patton meeting, states that neither went into much detail of what they discussed in their memoirs, if memory serves


Here is the quote: "They were rather circumspect in their memoirs about what exactly was said on their three-hour stroll and two hours together in a drawing room away from the rest of the delegations, and there was probably far too much said to fully validate, leading to fantastical and fantasized versions of the conversation in both countries' historiography long thereafter."
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A thought. There will be some treaty between the CSA and the new RoT in regard to the freedom of the RoT. Why does there need to be a treaty between the United States and the RoT? The RoT was never at war with the United States, the previous *state* government was as part of the Confederacy. At most, removal of Slavery will be a stick over recognition of the new RoT. And Mexico may well recognize them even if they haven't removed Slavery. (From Mexico's standpoint, just about anything that removes the crapsack that is post-war CSA from their borders is a good thing. ) Similarly, a good number of European Powers don't particularly *care* anymore what Richmond thinks about them and would at least be open to recognition of the RoT, the question is whether Slavery in Texas would be enough to cause them to pause.
Ah. Unfortunately, I'm took used Wade-Giles, as Taiwan was still using it when I was there. So to me, the last syllable of Mao's first name is "Tung".
Yeah I've only ever went with Zedong personally but I've seen his name spelled that way (I don't care how his name is spelled I will always know him as "Mao Ze Dong (The Dick)" because he was an ignorant murdering thundercunt who I hope is rolling in his grave frustrated with the path of the modern PRC lmao
You know, it strikes me - the meeting with Hughes and Patton is so important, yet so little about it will be known to the public. No doubt conspiracy theories abound.

But it also strikes me that this is going to lead to artistic interpretations as well. I kinda suspect that there will be at least ONE major stage play revolving around the encounter and probably a movie as well.

I see this meeting being a big deal in the popular cultures of both nations.
You know, it strikes me - the meeting with Hughes and Patton is so important, yet so little about it will be known to the public. No doubt conspiracy theories abound.

But it also strikes me that this is going to lead to artistic interpretations as well. I kinda suspect that there will be at least ONE major stage play revolving around the encounter and probably a movie as well.

I see this meeting being a big deal in the popular cultures of both nations.
"Mount Vernon" as directed by Ronald F Maxwell...

Wait, as cool as that would be, considering it's dealing with conspiracy theories, it probably has to be directed by Oliver Stone...

"Mount Vernon" as directed by Ronald F Maxwell...

Wait, as cool as that would be, considering it's dealing with conspiracy theories, it probably has to be directed by Oliver Stone...

I prefer "Mount Vernon" as directed by Terrence Malick. Doesn't actually focus on the people at all, just giant sweeping vistas of the landscape for two hours with a bunch of voiceovers.
I prefer "Mount Vernon" as directed by Terrence Malick. Doesn't actually focus on the people at all, just giant sweeping vistas of the landscape for two hours with a bunch of voiceovers.
Had to look him up...

Thin Red Line...
Introspective philosophical thoughts...

Yeah, I guess that makes some sense.