Return of Horrible Educational Maps

I worked at Michaels up until recently, and I remember seeing this ✨aesthetic✨ wall sign in store and being quietly horrified that they'd used a map with Africa carved up and the Congo Free State visible at center:

Also of interest is this "map banner" depicting North America somewhere between 1898 and 1905 (note the old districts of the NWT in the Canadian prairies):

But prominently depicting Nazi Germany on a product... Is it too much to ask for any historical literacy at all from their design team?
The top map is from between 1884 and 1919 as it shows New Guinea divided between the Netherlands, Britain and Germany. The bottom map is from between 1898 to 1903 as it shows Panama as part of Colombia and Puerto Rico as a US territory. I don't see Nazi Germany on the top map. I think I make out the pre-1919 borders of Imperial Germany.
Not really "horrible" maps, just old.
Maybe, but I doubt it. This 1924 map also incorrectly shows various Soviet polities as separate, with Crimea as well.
Wow, that is one big Armenia.
And what is going on in 'Constantinople'?
Also of interest is this "map banner" depicting North America somewhere between 1898 and 1905 (note the old districts of the NWT in the Canadian prairies):
I cannot view the maps, even when I open the images in new tabs; then I receive a 'You don't have permission to access "" on this server.'-message.
Maybe, but I doubt it. This 1924 map also incorrectly shows various Soviet polities as separate, with Crimea as well.

I couldn't open the map on mobile (it sent me to the map collection site but not the specific map) but now I try on pc it sends me to the map itself so I can comment

Yes, Ukraine is colored separately including Crimea, however interestingly it doesn't seem like any city in Ukraine is marked with a star indicating capital either.
Georgia and Azerbaijan similarly don't have stars.
Armenia is shown in full Wilsonian borders (which is understandable apparently US officially supported that until 1934), interestingly its capital is marked as Erzurum/Erzerum and not Yerevan/Erivan despite the fact that historically the latter was the capital of the First Republic of Armenia.
Thrace is coloured differently from rest of Turkey but Ankara is marked with a star (as Angora) while no Turkish border with Syria or Iraq is visible.
Oh, that must be what it is, sorry about that. Serves me right for assuming that image linking directly from Michaels' US website would work. Here they are hosted on Imgur:


Yes, the border is rather odd between Panama and Costa Rica.

EDIT: Also, everyone check the labeling they gave for for island of Hispaniola. “Haiti or Santo Domingo”. For extra confusion, they named the Dominican Republic to Santo Domingo here.mthigh given some of the Virgin Islands are still Danish here, maybe this is just how they referred to them in classrooms.
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Yes, the border is rather odd between Panama and Costa Rica.

EDIT: Also, everyone check the labeling they gave for for island of Hispaniola. “Haiti or Santo Domingo”. For extra confusion, they named the Dominican Republic to Santo Domingo here.mthigh given some of the Virgin Islands are still Danish here, maybe this is just how they referred to them in classrooms.

Denmark is just a hoax created by the citizens of Copenhagen, the capital of Sweden.

Luxembourg is also MIA, whilst Kaliningrad has been gobbled by Poland

The image is a bit blurry, but Corsica looks to be the same yellow as Italy, whilst the border between Greece and Turkey is a bit tenuous
why is it so hard to make good accurate maps, I understand that if you are drawing by hand that there will be many mistakes, but this is off of a computer